
Megjelenés helye Indonesia - Politikai viták és elemzések - 01 Dec 2024 00:30 - 23

Since our SC are inactive, I will take the role for this announcement as vSC of Eden.

In this reshuffle and the previous, we fought hard and coordinated so well, but inactivity on Eden are just too much to bear. Only few people actively join OH and opening RW, most of us are leaving this game too, so rather than fighting a worthless fight, I choose this path. The countries that are always active on Eden are abandoned by their own SC, we tried to communicate thing, but other country are just focusing with their own OH, they fight for themselve, unless they need help, while they ignoring our past 2 weeks to join OH. I know some of you are busy, but busy for a whole week without even answering our ping? Thats just too much. So I decided, rather than fighting for someone who doesnt even care, we rather fight for someone who still care, even though the consequences will be big.

Special thanks to any of you who always come to my call.

With this article, I will announce that Eden Alliance are no more


ClaonerClaonerClaonerRomyxaqaparwaxaqaparwaBarudak WellGh0stGh0stGh0stGh0stGh0stM E R L I Nkris124ScymeXJack RafflesiaMiniRosiel

Hozzászólások (23)

Fyromians betraying their Third alliance, what a classic
Players r leaving, countries r farming, alliances r dying....
You will always be my ally, Aeriuz. o7.
I will happily take all the blame from outside or even inside of ex-Eden, this is my responsibility, cheers to all players o7
You did everything you could, we all know that. There is nothing to reproach you for. Thank you for everything and for taking us as far as we have come, we have to keep the good things
o7 Aeriuz
Good decision and fk celio
Indonesia is EXCOMUNICADO🙂
Respect! o7 Aeriuz!
Respect Aeriuz, o7
Hail Aeriuz o7
Aeriuz you are great, thanks for everything and we are with you o7
Respect! o7 Aeriuz!
admirable effort from Indo and Mkd , your OHs were amazing. o7
Siriko, they didnt ask you, the loafer burden to be with them, they are fully bothered already from you.
Mando, you better log in with Bikkin to talk those kind of shits. And seems you dont even know who is Aeriuz talking about. Cya.
Siriko, i get it that you r full of multies and we are all aware of that even if one was blind, but blaming me of being bikkin reserves you another room alongside with Barbod in a psychiatric hospital.
Hail Indonesia 🇮🇩 🫡