Romy nowhere

Megjelenés helye Albania - Bulvár és szórakozás - 27 Oct 2024 23:31 - 6

1) First of all, thanks for this interview Dear @Golldi.. Please introduce yourself to the readers.

Thanks for the invitation.
There's not much to say about me. I'm a quiet guy who likes to stay behind the scenes. You only see me on the battlefield.

2)  How did you register in eDominacy?
Grandpa brought me into the game, actually without any big plans. But after a short time we were at war! Unfortunately it was impossible to continue without a VISA 

3)  If you could change one thing in eDominacy. what would you change?
Hmm, there's a lot to change in this game, one of which I consider to be vital for the game. Allowing players to earn gold by fighting allows players to fight more. More fighting increases motivation for more activity in the game.

4)  What is the most fun thing you did in the game? And/or most fond memory.

I can't think of anything funny right now. But every hard fight that ends with a victory for our side remains a nice memory.

5)  You are one of tank in this game, what can you say to players, how you can motivate them?

We tanks are there to create advantages by increasing the DMG difference, but at the end of the fight we all decide together, as Tim. That's why every player is important, no matter how much DMG they bring with them. That should be the motivation for every player.

6)   Who are your best friends in this game?

All my compatriots are my best friends, we've been playing the games together for decades, but in this game a few new friends have joined who I'm really looking forward to, Celio, Zarak1, and Rang0

7) Who are your best enemy(!) in this game, as hate, and why?

Hate? No, I don't hate any player, but that doesn't mean that no one hates me 

8) What is your opinions about eTurkiye in this game?

I would have liked to have had Türkay on our side. Great, true fighters. I respect them as much as you.

9) if you were dictator of your eCountry and could controll everything, which 3 countries would be your ally, and who will be your eEnemy... 

We have democracy and it should stay that way 21 As for our enemies, we don't choose them! But we are always ready to welcome them with everything we have.

10) What is your last words to players, and also to Admin? 

As I mentioned above, every player is important. The game needs you.

Admin should immediately drastically reduce gold income. Fighting should be fun, not painful.


Thanks so much to dear @Golldi for this interview.... to be continued... 21 

Interview Series #3 : @Manga

Interview Series #2 : @Lesley
Interview Series #1: @Danider



Hozzászólások (6)

Pirinç o/
Big guy o7
King 👑