The Dead Potato

Megjelenés helye Romania - Bulvár és szórakozás - 04 Aug 2024 05:05 - 8


This is no Strategy!
This is being a Trickster. Fighting with a weak mindset. People say... Being a Pussy!

I don't want to insult anybody... Believe it or not... This is the last efforts of a man who's trying to wake you the fuk up!

We are playing a game. a war game. but also, a political one!

You can't just quit and RUN from reality with "creative crying tricks / CCT" every time you are losing (Once with an article, another time with creating a server and pushing admins constantly for changes etc.), and then refuse to do diplomacy as well.

You also can't force your winner counterpart to "disband", when you did not agree to any kind of diplomacy first and foremost!

Diplomacy has steps and levels. Starts with simple talks, then maybe neutrality, then when you've SHOWN your good intentions, dialogue can happen and then you can suggest your ideas and work on them to make them happen.

You are RUNNING from the reality. You are not taking the L like a man.

There is no shame at all in losing a war! The shame is in acting like a weak creature who is willing to do ANYTHING and EVERYTHING and test and try EVERY SNEAKY TRICK out there but not take the L like a man, make NAPs and then work on building new relationships, blocks, disband, or whatever it is you wanna call it.

The second world war is finished... but you can go into third, fourth, fifth and fight forever...

But what is the point?

Is it that I show you, I can win over you, or you show me you can do it?! Fighting for the sake of our egos?

This is a war game. but to me it is important WHY we are fighting. and I know for a fact there are honorable nations in the opposing side.

I want to die on my own sword and be a warrior, even a dying one...

I don't want to be known as a crying trickster though. Do you?


SinaEl_TarloKavehNebra007Sir barbodkqn40GolldiTroyannForc

Hozzászólások (8)

Its the typical "me you no friend" political strategy where you must absolutely not use reason and logic when interacting with your 'enemies' What you get now is etern refusal and denial to even shake the hands of the adversary
I dont know what you smoke, I dont even wanna know, but go cry me a river ... Play your game alone, and stop being so interested of what we do, we simple ignore you and all others. o7
What's the point? Hmmmm , the point is building strong accounts in damage and companies and then for an "unknown" reason leave the game. It's like investing.... Take a look at the similar games ....
Ovo je Balkan
Lets prepare umbrellas, tears are comming in form of heavy rain...