The Dead Potato

Megjelenés helye Iran - Hadügyi elemzések - 25 Jun 2024 16:52 - 15


Dear Guys,
I hope you guys are doing great in your life and having a really good day/night. I would like to give you a report on what we have done in our Military Unit so far, as well as giving some information for those who are interested in joining us.

After about a month of starting the Ancients Military Unit, we have been consistently in Top 10 Weekly Rankings!

*Did’t have images from last weeks, i used today’s. We been #5 most weeks!

Our Growth (FREE Gold) Program - Phase 1:

Ancients Military Unit supported all of its active soldiers with Gold to create their basic infrastructure for weapon and navy companies. It starts with Phase 1 for creating 10x Q1 companies, and in next Phases they will be upgrade up to Q5, plus the necessary Raw Companies needed to produce the weapons.

Total Gold distributed to soldiers up to now: 1600 Golds
Phase 2 will start as soon as all the active users are done with creating their first phase of companies.

The Weekly Rewards Given To Top #5 Soldiers(every week):

Rank #1 : 4000 q5 tanks 5000 q5 Food and 1 House pack 
Rank #2 : 2500 q5 tanks 3500 q5 Food and 1 House pack
Rank #3 : 1500 q5 tanks 2500 q5 Food and 1 House pack 
Rank #4 : 1000 q5 tanks 1500 q5 Food and 1 House pack  
Rank #5 : 1000 q5 tanks 1000 q5 Food and 1 House pack (Q1-Q3)

The Best Job Offer:
Specific to our soldiers, We will always provide the best competitive salary for them in-game!

The Cheap Raw Program (Production Allowance):

Depending on the current market price of raws, and supply/demand we have, we offer cheap raw material to soldiers who produce goods! Up to now, we’ve given millions of weapon mat, house mat and food mat with 30% up to 50% discount to our members.

Other Benefits We Provide:

  • Cheap weapons on OHs (up to 50%)

  • Tax Refund for Companies

  • Free Supplies on specific battles

  • An active community of cool people

What Are The Qualifications To Join?

As of right now, we have our 40 positions filled. Our OG members, and our countrymen are always our priority because we value loyalty. But we are constantly reviewing and re-evaluating the activity of our soldiers. If you have the following qualifications:

  • Have +2500 Strength

  • Military Rank Supreme Commander and above

  • You are active in Discord

  • You willing to work for MU companies (with best salary)

Leave us a message (MU Commander or Captains). And we will review your application and hopefully we become comrades o7

Wish you all the best!


Der KommissarKavehMangaCelioSir barbod

Hozzászólások (15)

Nice offer guys o7
Shayaaan o7
Keep up the good work o7