The Dead Potato

Megjelenés helye Germany - Politikai viták és elemzések - 24 Jun 2024 05:59 - 15

Dear Citizens of the eWorld,

Y’all know the history of the eDominacy World War I, and how it started with the Irish Invasion of Serbia ...

After the suffering we all went through in this war and after all countries got dragged into it physically or emotionally… finally, recently we had a great “opportunity” to make an agreement and a NAP to end this war.

But, Unfortunately, it did not work in the end, despite all my personal efforts alongside Safer, Alejo (Overseer), Aveun, and other guys to make this NAP work, it did not work!

The reason it did not work is I believe the opponent(Specifically Ireland) only came into this deal with the intent to make propaganda out of it. They never wanted to reach an agreement.

This is unfortunate and sad.

With all due respect, because Ireland decided to start propaganda and publish an article right after the negotiations stopped (as if the article was ready to publish even during the negotiations!) let’s review what went in this negotiation.

I’m not going to talk much. A lot of people from both sides said they were not aware of the details. Some of them really thought we “as Phoenix”, never had any intention to sign a NAP! But after i showed them the details, their opinion changed 180 degrees. They had the wrong impression, the wrong perception, and perhaps the un-transparent information from deceitful sources.

Without further addo, if you are interested to see the details of the talks, you can check the key parts here:
The Story of Phoenix/CF Negotations!

You decide for yourself, who wanted to make a NAP ASAP, who did not, and who is right or wrong or in the middle!
You be the judge!

PS: I have utmost respect for our opponents, and their decision. However nobody likes to be used, played and waste his time for a deceitful purpose. In the end, i hope you guys all having fun, and enjoy playing the game. No bitterness. No hard feelings.

I would like to specially thank Alejo AKA Overseer, for i believe his intentions was purely good and he had the best interest of their people and their alliance in heart. It’s sad he couldn’t reach his objectives. But showing his personality, from now on he is a guy i fully trust and have respect for every day of the week!

Also i thank Governador/Brazil for their reasonable approach. I’m happy we could finally reach to an agreement for a NAP



Sir barbodNSKBproEl_TarloBatashaGolldiLordSun3

Hozzászólások (15)

o7 از منم تشکر کن خو
thank me too Cheeky
Well-done friends. Hope u success in future
Parabellum 2.0
Seems like there is quite a bit missing here!
Alejo o7
Parabellum 2.0
Nice propaganda and where our counter odfer and your insolting dont lie to ppls and act you are good Guy now
But you guys just asking for Whole Canada as Irish Core, you guys declared an offensive war, lost it, and now want to go back like nothing happened.
Until today, I have not seen that the winning side donates the region to the losing side and the losing side does not accept Good luck o7
Does everyone forget that we controlled 75% of the US? Like, we do not own these regions anymore. Under my NAP provisions, we accept the acknowledgment of losing the US. With the Canadian cores we are requesting make our country economically viable. Only a moron would accept the NAP the other side proposed. Ireland made the choice we would rather be wiped than deal with these unrealistic and unreasonable people. Thank goodness they have no actual power in RL. Tonight I release everything, and do not attempt to delete more messages. I have it all screenshots since the first day you start speaking.
Well, you couldve stayed as a country economically viable but you decide to greed and attack Serbia to try to snap some extra bonus i guess. All the choices have consecuences.