The Dead Potato

Megjelenés helye Iran - Hadügyi parancsok - 05 Jun 2024 09:47 - 17


The Ancients Military Unit started as the joint of cultured countries like Greece and Iran. We joined forced for the greater good of our citizens. And even without having any kind of structured programs and supplies, it worked wonders in the last 2 weeks.

Now with our amazing results, we want to even expand and develop further and grow to become a better and more organized MU globally.

In order to keep up with the current game development situation it is our turn to announce our MU member supplies and benefits. But first there is a qualification!

The MU qualifications:

  • Wear our avatar 

  • Work for MU’s companies

  • Have a minimum of 1200 Strength and Intelligence

What we offer ?

  1. Highest Paid Job in the game with 50CC per work ,can reach up to 100CC or 5Gold daily 

  2. Fixed Price for all type of raw materials at 0.01CC for all our MU members

  3. Cheap weapons on our OH (discord required)

  4. Training grounds upgrade assistance (For members with at-least 1 month membership history)

  5. Tax Refund in company upgrades up to 75%

  6. Subvention for companies up to 1000gold weekly (discord required for terms and information)

Last but not least we have our weekly MU Damage Competition with Biggest awards globally!

The Damage Competition Rewards:

Rank 1 : 4000 q5 tanks 5000 q5 Food and 1 House pack
Rank 2 : 2500 q5 tanks 3500 q5 Food and 1 House pack
Rank 3 : 1500 q5 tanks 2500 q5 Food and 1 House pack
Rank 4 : 1000 q5 tanks 1500 q5 Food and 1 House pack 
Rank 5 : 1000 q5 tanks 1000 q5 Food and 1 House pack (Q1-Q3)

Competition starts at 10/6/2024.

Find us on discord :

For application contact either Patalos ( Discord @Adrenalinas ) or Shayan ( @Shayan66 Discord ) on Discord!

~ Cheers!



Hozzászólások (17)

Nice logo!
So is it up to 1000g weekly per player or is that like the limit for the entire MU?
Yes imzoth, entire MU. Depending on demand / data can vary later.
Voting this for the swell logo. Kudos to your art designer.
← Guess who is this great designer?
o7 ai ai, captain
o7 shayan ♡
تبریک می گویم. Συγχαρητήρια o7
οκ ο7
Good luck!
GL o7