The Dead Potato

Megjelenés helye Bulgaria - Hadügyi elemzések - 11 May 2024 12:34 - 13

Hello Guys,

Recently devs added “influence” points to occupied regions. 


There’s no official content yet. But i know how it works from experience on similar games, so i’m gonna break it down to you guys.

What is Influence?

Influence represents your impact on the % bars in battles. It doesn’t directly impact damage. But your influence on % of the battle bar. For example in an RW where the region has 2x Influence points, if you make 1m damage in occupier side, and opponent makes 1m damage in liberator side, the bar percentage will NOT be 50% - 50% equal, but it will be like 25% - 75% in favor of the liberator who has the 2x influence points.

NOTE: I’m picking details from what i know. Devs might change some of the details in eDominacy.

What does this means for the game?

The longer a country holds a region in occupation, the more it grows the Influencer/Determination point.


It means holding regions will become difficult. At some point, points become so big that occupier country have to liberate it at-least for a while to reset it; or swap it with an ally for a period of time. It will depend on how the developers of this game implement this mechanic.

PS: All i said was my own experience from other games. Details of implementation might be different in eDominacy.

Don’t hesitate to ask questions in comments.


YoX1921Ali NazariGral AguilarAli NazariAli NazariArm007eslam2PattonGrandpa

Hozzászólások (13)

Gj o7
Thanks for info o7
Good info 👏👏👏
Gracias (°,°)7
Nice o7
Superb o7
why did they push to production when they didn't announce the changes
I cant see the pict! Is it bug or what???
@TheRedActor i can see the pictures just fine. Try ctrl + f5.
Interesting o7