Publier en Australia - Divertissement - 01 Dec 2024 00:29 - 9

1)Thanks for this interview Dear @HAKAI. Please introduce yourself to the readers
Hello, I am HAKAI, I am 45 y.o, I am native Indonesia, my favourite food are Sate, you guys should try it.
2) How did you register in eDominacy?
Someone from other games invited me to play this kind of game again, they say this will be the last, and I agree to it
3) If you could change one thing in eDominacy. what would you change?
Same as the majority ig, make it more friendly for F2P, my hope are low, but that infinite pack make it vanished completely. I am still playing because Indonesian community are fun to hangout with, and our great general won't let me quit that easily
4) What is the most fun thing you did in the game? And/or most fond memory.
The most fun thing? Indonesian community, who can always joke around no matter the situation, hell or heaven they always can have fun, the most memorable moment for me are when The Pantek are born, Indonesian know who I am talking about, idk who he is at first, he play like a noob, but a great noob, always ask when he dont know, a great player to teach, until he show his fangs, now he is one of our beloved leader.
5) You are one of Elite Player of your country, what can you say to players, how you can motivate them?
Hmm, I am far from Elite Player, I am pure F2P, to all players out there, lets have fun, we are suffering in this game together, we are scraping the little fun that it had left, Admin are not nice to his players, at least we can be nice player to player
6) Who are your best friends in this game?
Xaqaparwa, JackRafflesia, No One See, Javier, G I N, and many more, including KodomoDragon and GatotKac4 since we are almost at the same age
7) Who are your best enemy(!) in this game, as hate, and why?
Hate are unnecessary in this game, rivalry are okay, best enemy are whoever respect anyone that spent time together with them
8) What is your opinions about eTurkiye in this game?
I dont know much about eTurkiye, sorry
9) if you were dictator of your eCountry and could controll everything, which 3 countries would be your ally, and who will be your eEnemy...
I am too old to be a dictator, i will skip
10) What is your last words to players, and also to Admin?
Hate are unnecessary, rivalry are okay, we are better than admin, admin are not okay, but at least lets create a healthy community
Thanks so much to Dear @HAKAI for this interview.... to be continued...

#1@Danider #2@Lesley #3@Manga #4@Gollldi #5@Batasha #6@Murat Monstrum #7@gzhn #8@harisHarko #9@The Emperor #10@Isaak Sirk0 Special Interview with@Admin #12@z1Ilyrian #13@Ragn0 #14@Sir barbod #15@OchiReci #16@Aeriuz #17@Wurtex #18@Alex95 #19@janGo #20@Gh0st #21@NSKBpro #22@Ace Economist #23@StamaT #24@CRIS 99 #25@Motorina #26@Bulito99 #27@eVokasi #28@alt pui #29@BornaX #30@Thanatos #31@cOSHi #32@elhichko #33@Jaca #34@Qurcika #35@Squanchy #36@KTZHOOD43 #37@HzSa 87 #38@Bucka #39@Bosman #40@KasvaXIII #41@ChamorroPy #42@Salah ad Din Yusuf #43@WiizArD#44@Sasuke Uchiha #45@Terrorist #46@kh4N #47@Schmidt #48@Rinum #49@Bikkin #50@K_o_B #51@Sina #52@Shime #53@Knight #54@Pavelcho #55@Grandpa #56@NAVIBULGAR #57@Sesebi #58@Ezrail #59@Chaos Maker #60@Lucious Lyon #61@demahuM #62@Blue Beret #63@El Papito #64@Kosingas #65@itso #66@Visator #67@Patton #68@GoGu #70@batto6o #71@n0fear1 #72@El_Tarlo