Publier en Albania - Divertissement - 21 Nov 2024 02:50 - 12

1)Thanks for this interview Dear @Grandpa. Please introduce yourself to the readers.
Hello friend, first of all I want to apologize publicly for making a mistake where I didn't respond to your messages a few days ago (of course absolutely nothing against you, just inactivity in the game) o7 and also I want to greet all the players of this game o7
My nickname is Grandpa in the game while in reality my friends call me Geçe and I come from Albania. I apologize for my English because I'm currently using Google Translate.
2) How did you register in eDominacy?
A fellow countryman of mine and friend in game ''z1llyrian'' informed me that something powerful was being created and what motivated me the most was the return of my patriots from another game.
3) If you could change one thing in eDominacy. what would you change?
I prefer to leave this question unanswered as it takes a lot of time, I'm just playing what is offered...
4) What is the most fun thing you did in the game? And/or most fond memory.
One that comes to mind is:
the first week in this game because of the reunion of many players from another game, friends/enemies and the most bitter memory is the end of the first week in this game after checking my bank account 😂
5) You are one of Elite player in this game, what can you say to players, how you can motivate them?
I think I was but not anymore. I can't really say anything motivating in this game because I can't offer something what I don't have,
6) Who are your best friends in this game?
Thinking that I can forget someone, I'm only saying Admin. He is.
7) Who are your best enemy(!) in this game, as hate, and why?
As for hating, I don't think I hate anyone.
Good opponents maybe eBulgaria because of activity in the OH, I'm not really sure about this 🤔 because they made too many hasty moves in my opinion. o7
8) What is your opinions about eTurkiye in this game?
There are quite good and respectable players, I think they acted well in their interest.
9) if you were dictator of your eCountry and could controll everything, which 3 countries would be your ally, and who will be your eEnemy...
if I am? I am but shshsh let it stay between us :p
I'm mentioning 3 countries which are not our ally,
eBHS, eCroatia, eRomania
Enemy: All without exception that would attack my country and some allies of eAlbania.
10) What is your last words to players, and also to Admin?
I believe that most of the players know what... My troubled heart can only be calmed by gifts 😔
Thanks so much to Dear @Grandpa for this interview.... to be continued...

#1@Danider #2@Lesley #3@Manga #4@Gollldi #5@Batasha #6@Murat Monstrum #7@gzhn #8@harisHarko #9@The Emperor #10@Isaak Sirk0 Special Interview with@Admin #12@z1Ilyrian #13@Ragn0 #14@Sir barbod #15@OchiReci #16@Aeriuz #17@Wurtex #18@Alex95 #19@janGo #20@Gh0st #21@NSKBpro #22@Ace Economist #23@StamaT #24@CRIS 99 #25@Motorina #26@Bulito99 #27@eVokasi #28@alt pui #29@BornaX #30@Thanatos #31@cOSHi #32@elhichko #33@Jaca #34@Qurcika #35@Squanchy #36@KTZHOOD43 #37@HzSa 87 #38@Bucka #39@Bosman #40@KasvaXIII #41@ChamorroPy #42@Salah ad Din Yusuf #43@WiizArD#44@Sasuke Uchiha #45@Terrorist #46@kh4N #47@Schmidt #48@Rinum #49@Bikkin
#50@K_o_B #51@Sina #52@Shime #53@Knight #54@Pavelcho
Murattiz1Ilyrianz1IlyrianMurat MonstrumdemahuMDiabloDiabloGuatemalaSinaKAKAZZUGrandpaGrandpaGrandpaGrandpabC iS hereLeBrahBaRBaRLesleyCommentaires (12)


o7 🫡

I don't know, but i think Grandpa is zamo also 


Good man Gramps, a good friend to relay on hard times

Grandpa o7

Oooo Grandpaaa o/ What is the meaning of Geçe?

Brother o7 Grandpa o7


So boring interview

Grandpa o7