Publier en Turkey - Divertissement - 31 Oct 2024 00:33 - 23

1) first of all thanks for this interview, i'm sure that it will be so interesting for everybody, and will be interesting for me

All of us you know only as admin and 1 person

There are only two people managing the entire game and everything related to it: myself as the Admin on ID: 1, and Sekulla on ID: 100. We are solely responsible for the game and all aspects surrounding it. For anything we're missing, we either purchase resources from third-party sites or have players within the game handle the work. Primarily, this applies to graphics, which we buy externally or have created by players.
2) How did the eDominacy adventure begin for you?
The journey with this game began for me on day 17. At that time, I hadn’t started any work on the game itself or been involved in any of its development. I was invited by Sekulla to assist after some issues arose within the original team working on the project. Initially, I wasn’t planning to take on this role, but seeing the challenges he was facing and how much he needed support after a few days of managing alone, I decided to step in and lend a hand. By then, the game had already launched, so I saw it as an opportunity to help enhance the experience for everyone involved. Sekulla deserved the support, and I wanted to help elevate this project for the community and everyone surrounding it. I’ve explained parts of this journey in some of my earlier administrator announcements(if I am not mistaken), but it’s important to clarify how and when I became involved and the reasons behind my commitment to making this game better for everyone.
3) Are you happy the current position for numbers of players? Do you have any planning for advertise etc for more players?
Whether someone is satisfied with something often depends on their perspective and expectations. Personally, I’m always seeking ways to improve and approach things differently. So, my answer is that I’m rarely fully satisfied—I’m always looking for ways to make things better. But I'm not alone in this; we're a team of two, constantly working to grow (and hopefully, we are), and with our growth, we hope the game will grow too.We have genuinely tried everything in terms of advertising. Explored players' suggestions for promotional channels, invested in various types of paid advertising, and even sponsored players to promote the game across different networks. Unfortunately, these efforts have been largely unsuccessful—many of them, to be honest, felt like shots in the dark. Still, we’re glad we made the effort.In my point of view, the most effective advertising comes from players themselves, promoting the game in their local gathering spaces where they can introduce it to new people and have real conversations about it. This type of game isn’t built for flashy, click-bait style promotion; instead, community-based presentations from insiders are the key to spreading awareness.
I'm always more than willing to support anyone who wants to help spread the word, and we’re happy to offer reimbursements for any effective promotional efforts
4) Which one is most important from your side as game planning, Keep players active in game, or get new players to game?
For me, the most important part of planning is listening closely to our players and analyzing game statistics to understand player behavior and needs. I look at when to provide more rewards, how to make events more accessible, and similar adjustments. Everything I plan revolves around serving the players who are here now, as they are our priority. Looking too far into the future isn’t practical for a small game like ours; it’s simply not realistic to invest time planning for scenarios that may or may not happen. Instead, we focus on the present, using the information, feedback, and game stats available to make the best decisions for our current community.
As a small game with a close-knit player base, it’s essential to prioritize and care for those who are here with us, and that guides all our planning efforts.
5) What is your near and far plannings for the game?
If I would said something about it, it would be a lie

6) Some of the similar games, tried PvP modules in game, for keeping players much time in game. what do you think about this?
This game is largely community-based, so PvP would likely need to be introduced as a separate module. We’ve got some initial ideas for it, but we’re still uncertain about how to organize it in the fairest way for everyone. In the near future, we might consider setting up 1v1 events, like tournaments, but we still have a lot of unanswered questions and things to sort out before moving forward. Who knows—maybe we’ll give it a shot and see how it goes!"
7) Will we see radical and different updates at future in game, do you have any planning for this, or you want to keep main modules.
Looking back on how the game has evolved, it’s clear we’re always working to improve it. We’ve made numerous changes, introduced new events, and refined existing ones. Many of these updates have come directly from player suggestions, with even more ideas currently on the table. This steady flow of change and development is a core part of our approach. Of course, not every idea or improvement pleases everyone, and that’s natural. But one thing we can all agree on is that the game is constantly evolving.
8) ofc i think that you have hard days in game for you too, can you tell us the hardest day for you in game?
The hardest days in the game? Honestly, it’s hard to pinpoint just one. Maybe it was those first days when I joined and began sorting through unanswered questions, addressing past administrative promises, and trying to understand the initial decisions behind some features. It was challenging to see how certain solutions were overlooked, leading to recurring problems that could have been avoided. Those days were tough, dealing with the backlog and piecing together the game’s history to set things on the right track.
9) i'm 100% sure that, you are at same distance from everyone, and try to be fair for everyone.. But i want to ask this question: can you tell 3 players, who cry more in game

From the opposite side, can you declare 3 players, who try to help you for the game...
For me, it all comes down to privacy and trust with revealing IDs or usernames. Every ticket, message, or comment on an article is invaluable, because each one helps us improve. Whether we spend hours or days debating a topic, every piece of feedback is genuinely helpful. I know this might sound idealistic, but it’s true. When we introduce something new, we base it on extensive calculations and predictions, often becoming deeply focused on our own perspective. But when we receive a comment—positive or critical—it broadens our viewpoint, helping us understand your thoughts, see new directions, and explore more possibilities.
Every bit of feedback matters, and many players get personal responses after sharing their public feedback. So, a big thank you to everyone for that!
10) As personal, do you play any online,PvP,Strategy etc games?
Honestly not sure what I miss more—having a PC set up for gaming or just having the time to play

11) I always asked to players, 'if you were admin what would you change in game...', now i want to ask you that; If you were player in game, what would you ask to Game Management to change/update?
I was once in your position, but back then, I didn’t think much about those kinds of things. I just wanted to play and adapt to whatever came my way. I don’t even know if I ever made a proposal about anything in the game—I’d probably call myself a pretty unengaged player in that regard. I didn’t object to decisions or argue over changes; I just didn’t really focus on them. If there was a paid task I knew how to do, I’d apply, but that was about as far as I personally went.
But if the question is what I, as a current player of the game, would ask the Administrator, it would be about killing the in-game chats and APIs.
12) Finally, What do you want say players and also to your Game Management as personal?
Players, remember that this is a game—a space to spend your free time and relax from the real world. Please don’t share your private or personal information with anyone. Let’s keep this game a happy place, free from insults. It’s all about ideology: treat others how you wish to be treated, and embrace the reality that someone has to win while someone has to lose. We must all accept the burden of both ends, extending kindness and sportsmanship to everyone in the community."
Thanks so much to Dear @Admin and also @Sekula for this interview.... to be continued...

PS: answer of "most crying player" was me, but he didnt want to say this

Interview Series #10 : @Isaak Sirk0
Interview Series #9 : @The Emperor
Interview Series #8 : @harisHarko
Interview Series #7 : @gzhn
Interview Series #6 : @Murat Monstrum
Interview Series #5 : @Batasha
Interview Series #4 : @Gollldi
Interview Series #3 : @Manga
Interview Series #2 : @Lesley
Interview Series #1: @Danider
Murat MonstrumAlex95NSKBproSaul GoodmanbC iS hereMotorinaLesleyEl_TarloSeratunickSeratunickalt puiYutuKaronNemoSinaAdminCommentaires (23)

Nema nazad, samo naprijed ✌️

wow admin its prestigious almost аs much the interview with harisharko

Bravo !!

Good job Romy! Unfortunately Admin answers are like Admin News - a lot of words and not much being said. The major problem with the HUGE imbalance between visa and non-visa is still here and there is no steps towards fixing it because.. according to Admin this is not a problem. My simple mind cant understand it how after all the data, statistics, info you have you dont see the problem in the unlimited gold and health visa can get while regular players literally can get max of 10g daily and 20-50 EBs. Dont you understand that if you have much more balanced game you will not depend on 5-6 players for your overall income but you will have hundreds of small regular buyers? If you have balanced game you will not talk about unsuccesful advertisements because players will actually like the game and will invite their friends and make campaigns themselves. But now what will be the difference if i invite 1000 active people? Nothing at all as they can be beaten by one man with a few clicks. You are constantly telling us that you are listening to the players but its all you do - listen. You dont reconsider anything of what players actually want and you keep following your own trajectory that unfortunately is going down day by day. Im really naive tho and im still hoping for the best to happen one day. Its never too late.

Good job! o7

Slaba su ti pitanja..trebao si ga upitati dal' ce spojit ove 3 igre u 1 jer dovoljno su igrace razbacali..i dal' ce biti erev4

Alex dont bother, they wont do shit and the game is already finished.

Answer to the last question

Sve je laaaaz samo pustaaa laaaaz


Well done, Romy
Also, nice to hear from you in this setting, Admin! If I may ask... why not implement progressively longer "cooling" silence for repeated offenders instead of killing in game chats? they are useful and fun unless a very small percentage of people are making a lot of trouble. The culture of each game can be modulated, most people respond to incentives...


My troubled heart can only be calmed by gifts 😔

Good job o7

agree with you about game chat @alt pui, and also i always say, game chat need radical update( like/dislike button, add comment to a chat, find a chat few times later ( like erp)) etc etc... must be more useful and more active. Most of players may spend time at game chat.

I agree 100% with Alex's comment.

Kakva izlučevina breskve, kave, jogurta i čokolade zajedno


I also couldn't find any constructive content here

I have to ask the @admin if he read our interview?! Because it looks like our message didn't reach him! That's a real shame.

this is just erev3, nothing new, same old admins same old module, just milking huge visas until people stop playing, then make new erev 4