Sasha file din poveste

منتشر شده در Romania - تعاملات اجتماعی و سرگرمی - 23 Feb 2025 08:34 - 15

Sasha TD la taste, HAM!

Azi il las pe tata sa va pupe scurt pe botic. Sa ne intelegem, il las sa le pupe doar pe caprioare, pe mistreti, NU!

Aseara am incins un party, cum demult nu am mai vanilat! A fost, ma rog, va fi, ziua lui Der Fuhrer! La multi ani, Tuchi! Eu si cu surioara Lunita, tat tat tat am salivat. Noroc ca Satanut care mi-a dat pe ascuns masline, cu tot cu samburi. Credea ca tata nu afla...Ceapa lui de Satanut! 16 Au jucat oamenii astia faini + Satanut, un Activity si din cauza de la onomastica, le-au lasat pe marmote sa castige...16 Oricum, fetele sunt cele mai bune! Perpelite pe un gratar, cu pulpite rotisate...mioam mioam o adevarata delicatesa!

Sasha TD to the keys, HAM!

Today I'll let my dad kiss you on the mouth. Let me get this straight, I only let him kiss the deer, the wild boar, NO!

Last night we had the best party I've had in ages! It was, or will be, Der Fuhrer's birthday! Happy birthday, Tuchi! Me and little sister Lunita were still salivating. Lucky Satan who secretly gave me olives, with all the seeds. He didn't think Daddy would find out...Satanut's onions!  They played these nice people + Satanut, an Activity and because of the name day, they let the marmots win... Anyway, the girls are the best! Perperpared on a grill, with roasted legs...mioam mioam a real delicacy!

Si dis de acum sa facem o paranteza, "dis-ul" asta e relativ, vara dis-ul poate sa fie ora 6, iarna e undeva pe la 9, inchidem paranteza...s-au intalnit muntomanii lui tata pentru o noua drumetie. Are tata doua caprioare, pretendente la harem. Si ce caprioare! Una mai frumoasa decat alta si alta mai frumoasa decat nu se supere! 16 Ca voi nu stiti, dar tata s-a invatat, ca dupa aia trebuie iar sa raspunda la intrebari in privat:

- Eu cine sunt? Eu sunt aia "una" sau sunt aia "alta"?

And in the's montaniards met up for another hike. Daddy has two deer, suitors for his harem. And what deer! One prettier than the other and other prettier than the one...don't get mad! 😁 As you don't know, but Dad has learned that after that he has to answer questions in private:

- Who am I? Am I the one or am I the other?

...and you don't want to see how two gorgeous little deer turn into marmots and tear each other apart...😂

Bine, am zis pretendente la harem, sa ne intelegem. Nu fac inca parte, desi s-au straduit mult, ambele caprioare, dragele de ele! Au avut grija de tata pe traseu, sa se imbrace, sa nu raceasca, l-au incalzit tinandu-l intre ele, l-au ajutat sa strang masa la sediu...ce mai, adevarate caprioare, care au toate sansele sa intre in haremul lui tata. Sunt pe drumul cel bun, din punctul meu de vedere, acum vedem ce decide tata...16

Eu la Taul Chendroaiei am fost doar din Breb, de 2 ori. Pe Creasta Cocosului am fost de prea multe ori, nu stiu exact, cam de atatea ori cate vieti are o matza. Toata drumetia a fost o plimbare cu un grad de dificultate non aplicabil. Adica dificultatea nu s-a intersectat cu acest traseu si drumetia a fost o plimbare in parcul muntilor Maramuresului.

Okay, I said harem wannabes, let's be clear. They're not in yet, though they've tried so hard, both doe deer, my darlings! They took care of dad on the way, to get dressed, not to catch cold, they kept him warm by holding him between them, they helped him to clear the table at the headquarters...what, real deer, who have all the chances to enter dad's harem. I'm on the right track, as far as I'm concerned, now we'll see what dad decides...😁

I've only been to Taul Chendroaiei from Breb, twice. On Creasta Cocosului I've been too many times, I don't know exactly, about as many times as a cat has lives. The whole hike was a walk with a non-applicable degree of difficulty. I mean the difficulty didn't intersect with this route and the hike was a walk in the Maramures mountains park.

Ajunsi la taul Chendroaiei, dupa ce fratele negru al lui tata si-a descarcat 2 acumulatori ai dronei (asteptam cu interes filmarile), au sarbatorit in natura si der Furher-uraritza, inca o data. Au curs sampaniile si au parjolit prajiturile. Satanutz trebuie sa fie fericit. Are o lumanare, pe care i-o pastram si care, e aproape, aproape, foarte aproape la fel de mica ca si el. O mai ardem un pic sa ajunga la aceeasi altitudine cu el.16 

Ajunsi la sediu, au incins o ciorba de fasole cu ciolan afumat si cu nelipsitul tarhon in otet. Si cata ceapa rosie in otet balsamic a bati pisicile, nu alta. Fete faine, caprioarele astea a lui tata...16

Arrived at the Chendroaiei taul, after my dad's black brother unloaded 2 drone batteries (we were looking forward to the movies), they celebrated in nature and der Furher-uraritza, one more time. The champagne flowed and the cookies burned. Satanutz must be happy. He's got a candle, which we're keeping for him, which is almost, almost, very nearly as small as he is. We burn it a little longer to get to the same altitude as him.

Arrived at the headquarters, they heated up a bean soup with smoked chickpeas and the ever-present tarragon in vinegar. And how much red onion in balsamic vinegar it beat your cats, no less. Nice girls, these deer of dad's...

Astept cu nerabdare sa imi povesteasca tata aventurile viitoare din kilometrii de zapada de weekend-ul viitor si pana atunci, ce sa va zic?

- Bafta, caprioarelor pretendente la harem! 16 

Va pup scurt pe botic! HAM! HAM! HAM!16
1616  16

I look forward to hearing about my dad's upcoming adventures in the miles of snow next weekend and until then, what can I say

- Good luck, you harem wannabe doe! 😁

I'll give you a quick kiss on the mouth! HAM! HAM! HAM!❤️


alt puiDellexBattleHeroGaladraelGaladraelVisatorBunnyLiubogadrianaBunnyLiuacelfejshefutzuLemann o BilionarifMykyMykyMykyMykyacelfejFrancydarXtarHans Koneliticity

نظر ها (15)

Is this a dog's dream? Smile)
No no. That's quite true. Once you get to know me, you'll want to be part of the harem and you really won't be jealous of the other doe. But it all depends on whether you get chosen... It's not that simple. 😁
Da,da.Lasa ca știm noi ca nu ești tu. După modelul FCSB nu e Steaua.
Pfoai, ce naiba cauta Ucuitoru in poza a 2a la picioarele fetelor? Smile
Acolo, literalmente, am fost in genunchi. Ca altfel iesea poza de sus. 🤣
Do that more often, so u mitigate shooting against us
That was a good one, Guatemala! 😂😂😂
Did you find the traces of He did it in the forest?
It was covered in snow and frozen. I gave him some hot tea to help him recover but he said to leave him for another 5 days or so. He told me he hadn't forgotten about you, just be patient. Patience is a virtue. Then a couple wolves ate him. ....
Păcat că nu se mai văd poze(n)ele...
Bunny, eu le vad
O să încerc să intru de la PC, posibil să nu se poate vedea pe dat și click pe ele și îmi spune că nu mai există file-ul
Intradevar, de pe telefon nu le vad nici eu. De pe laptop le vad...
BunnyLiu, parca ziceai ca vii candava prin zona asta...asa ca, daca vii, poti merge chiar tu pe acolo... Smile