منتشر شده در United States of America - بحث و تحلیل سیاسی - 20 Feb 2025 09:07 - 18

TankardistTankardistTankardistMotorinaMotorinaMotorinaAeriuzhumulusDellexZylo97CoooW De ElitteJack RafflesiaLucious LyonLucious LyonMoon KnightMoon KnightMoon KnightMoon KnightU D A RLucious LyonLucious LyonLucious LyonLucious LyonLucious LyonLucious Lyonنظر ها (18)

Signed, Minister of Sex Offender Office

again cry

idk what happened, but best of luck to you and my Indonesians brother in USA o7

Welcome to NeutrAlliance

Can you name the repeated betrayals so we can act now ?

Humulus is always right in what he says.

Pavelcho, i won't point fingers, who did us wrong know it already.


I disagree

Hail USa the most sexy country and Government in edominancy


Good luck USA o7


Good luck USA o7
