
منتشر شده در Croatia - تعاملات اجتماعی و سرگرمی - 07 Dec 2024 11:19 - 2

Hello everyone, Lesly made an article where we compete for the best song, The choice is very difficult, but I will choose one special song...
...this song is about the beginning of everything...


  • In the beginning was the word
    And the word was with God
    And God was the word
    In the beginning He created light
    And man to be His image
    Here you are, rule the earth righteously
    In the beginning man was good
    He was the image and likeness of God
    Until he wanted much more
    He raised his hand against his brother
    He took the land, took up the sword
    He deceived his Father and stepped into sin

  • Rains fall, fields give birth, children dream
    God has not abandoned us
    Rains fall, fields give birth, children dream
    God has not abandoned us
    And since then man has been deceiving God
    Wars and drugs everywhere
    As if the Earth were a lost world
    Nations and races quarrel
    And false prophets drive the masses crazy
    Children, faith, body, everything is for sale
    Once man was only a hunter
    And now he kills his neighbor for money
    He attacks and steals and sows the world fear

  • The rains are falling, the fields are giving birth, the children are dreaming
    God has not abandoned us
    The rains are falling, the fields are giving birth, the children are dreaming
    God has not abandoned us
    Your words are twisted, God
    As if they were living with the Devil under their skin
    They know neither mercy nor remorse
    And I will not live in that sin
    I do not want such a path for our children
    Hey, so that my song can fix the world
    Let's defend love, everyone needs it
    Forgiveness and hope are gifts from heaven
    Look into the eyes of your Creator

  • The rains are falling, the fields are giving birth, the children are dreaming
    God has not abandoned us
    The rains are falling, the fields are giving birth, the children are dreaming
    God has not abandoned us
    Not us, not give birth, children dream
    God has not abandoned us
    Rains fall, fields give birth, children dream
    God has not abandoned us
    God has not abandoned us

I think this is the only song that sometimes makes me cry, We humans are the masters of the planet but we treat that same planet badly, for our own benefit we destroy our world. But there is hope, there is always hope. GOD IS WITH US! Smile

If this song wins, I will give the prize to a player who really needs it (probably a new player)



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