Romy nowhere

Romy - روزنامه از Turkey -

منتشر شده در Georgia - تعاملات اجتماعی و سرگرمی - 28 Nov 2024 03:38 - 19


1)Thanks for this interview Dear @Patton. Please introduce yourself to the readers

hello edom 🫡 My name is Mamuka (A.K.A. - Pidbula)  I am 27 years old, I am from Georgia🇬🇪 exactly  -  from Kutaisi - one of the oldest city in the world. 

2) How did you register in eDominacy?

I stopped playing games like this many years ago, but I was in touch with old players (friends), so, I heard about this game from an old chat

3) If you could change one thing in eDominacy. what would you change?

I like strategic games, not Pay To Win games... avarage salary in my country is 3-4 times less than in west Europe for example, game must be funny not expensive !
also, I would change Naval battles with Air Strike Attack, and battle must be 3 round per 8 hours, we have real life and can't live here like Blue beret and others! 

4) What is the most fun thing you did in the game? And/or most fond memory.

idk... I can't belive that without 5 stars there is good memories, maybe first days... when we still had good expectations.

5) You are one of Elite Player in this game, what can you say to players, how you can motivate them?

fair play - nothing more 

6) Who are your best friends in this game?

of course Jango♥️ and other Georgians around the world, for example Chaos Maker, I like that crazy man 21 
also lesley, she can't believe that but... 😂 + Zarak1 and Celio o7 

7) Who are your best enemy(!) in this game, as hate, and why?

hate ? in this game ? no, I don't hate people because of game, but I don't like Blue beret, he or she lives here, I can't understand whyyyy ? he/she plays to steal RH -_- 
also there is one Malaysian Guy or gay, with 2 stars and 52 lvl 21 21 😂😂
AND Pavelcho.. p.s. Pavelcho is an enemy who is more like a friend
also, I did not like Bulgaria, but now I don't think about them

8) What is your opinions about eTurkiye in this game?

Turkiye ♥️ I like your country, Gzhn is really great person and strong player 🫡 

9) if you were dictator of your eCountry and could controll everything, which 3 countries would be your ally, and who will be your eEnemy... 

Turkiye, Sweden, Iran (maybe Greece too), I like trusted allies, I need to trust my team mates, fighters, with whom I will fight even against devil ! 🫡 about enemy... The enemy will be those who do not respect my friends and weak countries.

10) What is your last words to players, and also to Admin? 

Do Not Create Countries Like Bulgaria, Albania, North Corea... It Kills The Game, It Kills Little Countries... also, we need not only 2 Alians, we need 3-4 or maybe 5 Groups, with 4-5 Countries
This is how we play, the whole world is organized into 2 groups and they fight each other -_- this is bullshit ! there is no space for diplomacy, there is only fights Pay To Win ! Thank you Romy 🙏 GL & HF o7 

P.S. Abkhazia & Samachablo is Georgia 🇬🇪✅

Thanks so much to Dear @Patton for this interview.... to be continued... 21 

#1@Danider #2@Lesley #3@Manga #4@Gollldi #5@Batasha #6@Murat Monstrum #7@gzhn #8@harisHarko #9@The Emperor #10@Isaak Sirk0 Special Interview with@Admin #12@z1Ilyrian #13@Ragn0 #14@Sir barbod #15@OchiReci #16@Aeriuz #17@Wurtex #18@Alex95 #19@janGo #20@Gh0st #21@NSKBpro #22@Ace Economist #23@StamaT #24@CRIS 99  #25@Motorina  #26@Bulito99  #27@eVokasi  #28@alt pui  #29@BornaX  #30@Thanatos  #31@cOSHi  #32@elhichko  #33@Jaca  #34@Qurcika  #35@Squanchy  #36@KTZHOOD43  #37@HzSa 87  #38@Bucka  #39@Bosman  #40@KasvaXIII  #41@ChamorroPy  #42@Salah ad Din Yusuf #43@WiizArD#44@Sasuke Uchiha #45@Terrorist #46@kh4N #47@Schmidt #48@Rinum #49@Bikkin #50@K_o_B #51@Sina #52@Shime #53@Knight #54@Pavelcho #55@Grandpa #56@NAVIBULGAR #57@Sesebi #58@Ezrail #59@Chaos Maker #60@Lucious Lyon #61@demahuM #62@Blue Beret #63@El Papito #64@Kosingas #65@itso #66@Visator



نظر ها (19)

Patton o7 my best friend since day 1
Good guy Mamuka 💪 Agree about the Blue Beret.
o7 guys 🫡♥️ p.s. Pavelcho is an enemy who is more like a friend
Kutaisi is not one of the oldest city in the world
ქუთაისზე ნუ წერ შენი ბილწი ხელებით !
Hail, Respect and Hello to all Georgia & Georgian brothers o7
Romy ♥️ 🇬🇪🤝🇹🇷
Pavelcho is German Nazi and gay too
Patton, what do you mean and how exactly admin made countries like Bulgaria, Albania and North Korea?
No, i don’t believe. 😂
@alex95 not admin made... Bulgaria in first days, then Albania and Now north Korea is made by Viza players... I don't like it, this action kills the game... for example Georgia, Hungary, Canada, United Kingdom and any other country with maximum 5 active but strong players... should create alians, not new country... @Lesley whyyyy ? 🥹