منتشر شده در Romania - تعاملات اجتماعی و سرگرمی - 17 Nov 2024 10:53 - 0
- Daddy... what was that,... that in the van?
- What Bulisor?
- That Daddy, the one in the van?
- What Bulisor?
- That one ZIZIMER in the tub!
- AHAAAAAAAAAA.......So the prophecy is true!!!!
- What prophecy, Daddy?
- That someone from the Protopopicpicitorescovici family will catch the Zizimer. Your ancestors, from whom you inherited genetically, a lot of qualities, Archimedes, Hippocrates, Sophocles, Euclid and many others tried to study and catch him, but none of them succeeded. Bulisor, you're in second grade. I will have to put you to a test, a test that will reveal if you really could be the one...THE ONE TO CATCH THE ZIZIMER!
- Tati…ce a fost aia,… ăla din vană?
- Ce Bulisor?
- Ala tati, ăla din vană?
- Ce Bulisor?
- ZIZIMERUL ăla din vana!!!
- AHAAAAAA…….Deci profetia e adevarata!!!
- Ce profetie, tati?
- Ca cineva din familia Protopopicitorescovici va reusii sa prinda Zizimerul. Stramosii tai, de la care ai mostenit genetic, o sumedenie de calitati, Arhimede, Hipocrat, Sofocle, Euclid si multi altii au incercat sa-l studieze si sa-l prinda, dar nici unul nu a reusit. Bulisor, ai ajuns in clasa a doua. Va trebui sa te supun unui test, test care ne va releva daca intradevar tu ai putea sa fii cel ales…CEL CE VA PRINDE ZIZIMERUL!
- Okay, Daddy.
- I'm going to ask you one question, and you, using your genetically acquired knowledge, will try to answer me.
- Okay, Daddy. I'm ready.
- What is Zizimerul, Bulisor?
- Bine, tati.
- Te voi intreba un singur lucru, iar tu, folosindu-ti cunostintele dobandite genetic, vei incerca sa-mi raspunzi.
- Bine taticule. Sunt pregatit.
- Ce este Zizimerul, Bulisor?
- Daddy, starting from a syllogism, I will express to you the Zizimer's modes of expression: substance, quantity, quality, relation, place, time, position, wealth, passion and action. You are interested in substance. Substance signifies the fact of being (indeterminate being), while the remaining nine categories express determinations of substance. Substance is a reality that does not need anything else to exist, while category denotes realities whose existence depends on substance. It is a compound of matter and form.
The Zizimer is matter only in a metaphorical sense because, as a prime substance, the Zizimer must also be understood as a form-matter compound. Thus everything that is perceptible as Zizimer is an act of Zizimer, that is, form in act. Likewise, the individual soul is in its turn a compound that has intellect as its form. In conclusion, the Zizimer is a substance having as its form the intellective soul. Although it is odorless, tasteless and colorless, it is a form in potency or pure potentiality. Being in potency, in an indeterminate state. I know what you're asking, pure potentiality is different from homo erectus...that's you, on certain evenings when you see my mom doing laundry in the bathtub...
- Tati, pornind de la un silogism o sa-ti exprim modalitatile de exprimare ale Zizimerului: substanța, cantitatea, calitatea, relația, locul, timpul, poziția, averea, pasiunea si acțiunea. Te intereseaza substanta. Substanța semnifică faptul de a fi (ființa nedeterminată), în timp ce restul de nouă categorii exprimă determinații ale substanței. Substanța este o realitate care nu are nevoie de altceva ca să existe, în timp ce categoriie desemnează realități a căror existență depind de substanță. Este un compus din materie și formă.
Zizimerul nu este materie decât într-un sens metaforic deoarece, ca substanță primă, și Zizimerul trebuie înțeles tot ca un compus formă-materie. Astfel, tot ceea ce este perceptibil ca și Zizimer este act al Zizimerului, adică formă în act. De asemenea, sufletul individual este la rândul său un compus care are drept formă intelectul. În concluzie, Zizimerul este o substanță având ca formă sufletul intelectiv. Cu toate ca este inodor, insipid si incolor, este o forma în potență sau potențialitate pură. Ființa în potență, în stare nedeterminată. Stiu ce vrei sa ma intrebi, potentialitatea pura e diferita de homo erectus…ala esti tu, in anumite seri cand o vezi pe mama mea spaland rufe in cada…
- Bulisor...we don't have money for a washing machine.
- Daddy, don't change the subject. You asked me a question, I answered it. What's the verdict.
- Bulisor, I can't believe it...although you lost me after that word silo, olog, oism, or whatever it was, I was set to recognize the definition you gave above. I can't believe that you really could be the savior of the Protopopicpicitorescovici family!!!!
- What's next, Daddy?
- First of all, son, education! You will need your strength of character, your ambition to learn and to know everything, in order to accumulate as much knowledge as possible, which in the end, will help you to catch the Zizimer.
- Okay, Daddy, let's get started.
- Bulisor…nu avem bani de o masina de spalat rufe.
- Tati, nu schimba subiectul. M-ai intrebat ceva, ti-am raspuns. Care e verdictul.
- Bulisor, nu-mi vine sa cred…desi m-ai pierdut dupa cuvantul ala cu siloz, olog, oism, sau care o fi fost, am fost setat sa recunosc definitia pe care mi-ai dat-o mai sus. Nu pot sac red ca intradevar tu ai putea sa fii salvatorul familiei Protopopicitorescovici!!!
- Si acum ce urmeaza tati?
- In primul rand fiule, urmeaza educatia! Vei avea nevoie de taria ta de caracter, de ambitia de a invata si de a cunoaste tot, spre a putea acumula cat mai multe cunostinte, care in final, te vor ajuta sa prinzi Zizimerul.
- Bine tati, sa incepem.
Bulisor entered the second grade, enrolled in chess, athletics and...secretly enrolled in a sculler's apprenticeship. He finished the second grade with flying colors, his grades are not worth talking about, he was recognized as the best pupil in primary school, who, besides the general average, had 3 Olympic titles in the "under 10" category and 7 first place diplomas received at some competitions held in the country. (The eighth diploma, for the prettiest smile, she tore it up after the awards...she was still thinking about Miruna and thought she had cheated).
Bulisor a intrat in clasa a doua, s-a inscris la cursuri de sah, atletism si…pe ascuns la un curs de sculer-matriter ca si ucenic. Clasa a doua a terminat-o cu brio, de note nu are rost sa vorbim, a fost recunoscut ca cel mai bun elev din clasele primare, care, pe langa media generala, avea inca 3 titluri olimpice la categoria “under 10” si 7 diplome de locul intai primite la anumite concursuri sustinute in tara. (cea de-a opta diploma, pentru cel mai dragalas zambat, a rupt-o dupa premiere…era inca cu gandul la Miruna si a considerat ca a trisat).
Since third grade, problems have started to appear...
Din clasa a treia au inceput sa apara problemele…
Next in: Chapter II Zizimerul - Education - Part II, after I see at least 60 subscribers
- What Bulisor?
- That Daddy, the one in the van?
- What Bulisor?
- That one ZIZIMER in the tub!
- AHAAAAAAAAAA.......So the prophecy is true!!!!
- What prophecy, Daddy?
- That someone from the Protopopicpicitorescovici family will catch the Zizimer. Your ancestors, from whom you inherited genetically, a lot of qualities, Archimedes, Hippocrates, Sophocles, Euclid and many others tried to study and catch him, but none of them succeeded. Bulisor, you're in second grade. I will have to put you to a test, a test that will reveal if you really could be the one...THE ONE TO CATCH THE ZIZIMER!
- Tati…ce a fost aia,… ăla din vană?
- Ce Bulisor?
- Ala tati, ăla din vană?
- Ce Bulisor?
- ZIZIMERUL ăla din vana!!!
- AHAAAAAA…….Deci profetia e adevarata!!!
- Ce profetie, tati?
- Ca cineva din familia Protopopicitorescovici va reusii sa prinda Zizimerul. Stramosii tai, de la care ai mostenit genetic, o sumedenie de calitati, Arhimede, Hipocrat, Sofocle, Euclid si multi altii au incercat sa-l studieze si sa-l prinda, dar nici unul nu a reusit. Bulisor, ai ajuns in clasa a doua. Va trebui sa te supun unui test, test care ne va releva daca intradevar tu ai putea sa fii cel ales…CEL CE VA PRINDE ZIZIMERUL!
- Okay, Daddy.
- I'm going to ask you one question, and you, using your genetically acquired knowledge, will try to answer me.
- Okay, Daddy. I'm ready.
- What is Zizimerul, Bulisor?
- Bine, tati.
- Te voi intreba un singur lucru, iar tu, folosindu-ti cunostintele dobandite genetic, vei incerca sa-mi raspunzi.
- Bine taticule. Sunt pregatit.
- Ce este Zizimerul, Bulisor?
- Daddy, starting from a syllogism, I will express to you the Zizimer's modes of expression: substance, quantity, quality, relation, place, time, position, wealth, passion and action. You are interested in substance. Substance signifies the fact of being (indeterminate being), while the remaining nine categories express determinations of substance. Substance is a reality that does not need anything else to exist, while category denotes realities whose existence depends on substance. It is a compound of matter and form.
The Zizimer is matter only in a metaphorical sense because, as a prime substance, the Zizimer must also be understood as a form-matter compound. Thus everything that is perceptible as Zizimer is an act of Zizimer, that is, form in act. Likewise, the individual soul is in its turn a compound that has intellect as its form. In conclusion, the Zizimer is a substance having as its form the intellective soul. Although it is odorless, tasteless and colorless, it is a form in potency or pure potentiality. Being in potency, in an indeterminate state. I know what you're asking, pure potentiality is different from homo erectus...that's you, on certain evenings when you see my mom doing laundry in the bathtub...
- Tati, pornind de la un silogism o sa-ti exprim modalitatile de exprimare ale Zizimerului: substanța, cantitatea, calitatea, relația, locul, timpul, poziția, averea, pasiunea si acțiunea. Te intereseaza substanta. Substanța semnifică faptul de a fi (ființa nedeterminată), în timp ce restul de nouă categorii exprimă determinații ale substanței. Substanța este o realitate care nu are nevoie de altceva ca să existe, în timp ce categoriie desemnează realități a căror existență depind de substanță. Este un compus din materie și formă.
Zizimerul nu este materie decât într-un sens metaforic deoarece, ca substanță primă, și Zizimerul trebuie înțeles tot ca un compus formă-materie. Astfel, tot ceea ce este perceptibil ca și Zizimer este act al Zizimerului, adică formă în act. De asemenea, sufletul individual este la rândul său un compus care are drept formă intelectul. În concluzie, Zizimerul este o substanță având ca formă sufletul intelectiv. Cu toate ca este inodor, insipid si incolor, este o forma în potență sau potențialitate pură. Ființa în potență, în stare nedeterminată. Stiu ce vrei sa ma intrebi, potentialitatea pura e diferita de homo erectus…ala esti tu, in anumite seri cand o vezi pe mama mea spaland rufe in cada…
- Bulisor...we don't have money for a washing machine.
- Daddy, don't change the subject. You asked me a question, I answered it. What's the verdict.
- Bulisor, I can't believe it...although you lost me after that word silo, olog, oism, or whatever it was, I was set to recognize the definition you gave above. I can't believe that you really could be the savior of the Protopopicpicitorescovici family!!!!
- What's next, Daddy?
- First of all, son, education! You will need your strength of character, your ambition to learn and to know everything, in order to accumulate as much knowledge as possible, which in the end, will help you to catch the Zizimer.
- Okay, Daddy, let's get started.
- Bulisor…nu avem bani de o masina de spalat rufe.
- Tati, nu schimba subiectul. M-ai intrebat ceva, ti-am raspuns. Care e verdictul.
- Bulisor, nu-mi vine sa cred…desi m-ai pierdut dupa cuvantul ala cu siloz, olog, oism, sau care o fi fost, am fost setat sa recunosc definitia pe care mi-ai dat-o mai sus. Nu pot sac red ca intradevar tu ai putea sa fii salvatorul familiei Protopopicitorescovici!!!
- Si acum ce urmeaza tati?
- In primul rand fiule, urmeaza educatia! Vei avea nevoie de taria ta de caracter, de ambitia de a invata si de a cunoaste tot, spre a putea acumula cat mai multe cunostinte, care in final, te vor ajuta sa prinzi Zizimerul.
- Bine tati, sa incepem.
Bulisor entered the second grade, enrolled in chess, athletics and...secretly enrolled in a sculler's apprenticeship. He finished the second grade with flying colors, his grades are not worth talking about, he was recognized as the best pupil in primary school, who, besides the general average, had 3 Olympic titles in the "under 10" category and 7 first place diplomas received at some competitions held in the country. (The eighth diploma, for the prettiest smile, she tore it up after the awards...she was still thinking about Miruna and thought she had cheated).
Bulisor a intrat in clasa a doua, s-a inscris la cursuri de sah, atletism si…pe ascuns la un curs de sculer-matriter ca si ucenic. Clasa a doua a terminat-o cu brio, de note nu are rost sa vorbim, a fost recunoscut ca cel mai bun elev din clasele primare, care, pe langa media generala, avea inca 3 titluri olimpice la categoria “under 10” si 7 diplome de locul intai primite la anumite concursuri sustinute in tara. (cea de-a opta diploma, pentru cel mai dragalas zambat, a rupt-o dupa premiere…era inca cu gandul la Miruna si a considerat ca a trisat).
Since third grade, problems have started to appear...
Din clasa a treia au inceput sa apara problemele…
Next in: Chapter II Zizimerul - Education - Part II, after I see at least 60 subscribers

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