منتشر شده در China - بحث و تحلیل سیاسی - 08 Nov 2024 06:05 - 22
I'm tired of being limited after spending so many euros in this game. So I come with the following requirements for the admin.
1. Re-enable "My status" section from my profile.
2. Except q1-q2 buildings from companies 1000 limitation. I am forced to buy my low level weapons for the "Daily challenge".
3. Remove the "Create company" mission from Weekly Challenge event. I must have the right to equal chances to score points in the weekly ranking as the other players.
Deadline 1st December 2024, otherwise I will leave the game.
RomygeometarrrWiizArDgzhnLesleyYutuKaronFlyingCondorFudalamنظر ها (22)

agree + remove 'upgrade company' why should i upgrade company every day:/

Срећан пут, јави се кад стигнеш !!

@romy, I know right, but usually, I just build q1 company, upgrade to q2, then degrade it to 0 XD

Keep Admin, remove Humulus!

Little sad because no requirement abiut script. But those are fair

until when @Aeriuz? be sure that i ignored that missions, i do until 60, and i stop.

You're right. I'm behind you. 

Give back us business centet

Support o7

😅 admin is on a vacation far far away

Makedonija je Albanija 


Good luck

agree + remove 'upgrade company' why should i upgrade company every day:/
also remove spend 10 gold!
you give that 10 gold via missions, and require me to spend them! This is nonsense! can not collect and upgrade to higher level companies!

Also, increase gold reward for True Ally and True Revolutionary! done damage, spent money and weapons on the medal, has nothing to do with the reward! These should balance each other!

Bye Humulus

I think this missions are unfair for humulus and he losing opportunity to fight for same points like everyone else. I also supporting YutuKaron comments. O7

Agree o7

Give me some hot blonde chick with big tits or im leaving with hummulus

Admin and common sense is not a good combo

Romy 👍

Admin remove the game plz