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Zizimerul - zizimerisme

منتشر شده در Romania - تعاملات اجتماعی و سرگرمی - 07 Nov 2024 10:55 - 3

Buna seara, te salut cititorule!

Este prima mea incercare de a scrie ceva, nu neaparat aici, e chiar prima mea iesire eseistica, daca pot sa o numesc asa. S-ar putea sa plictisesc, s-ar putea sa nu va atraga articolele mele, dar voi incerca sa ma transcriu asa cum sunt si in viata reala. Ma simt bine atunci cand cei din jurul meu se simt bine avandu-ma alaturi. Imi place sa descretesc frunti, imi place sa surprind intr-un mod distractiv. E un lucru care-mi incarca bateriile, care ma face pe mine, in primul rand, sa ma simt bine. Sunt inginer de profesie, nu ma pot compara cu asii genului epic, dar ma voi stradui sa va fac pe voi sa va simtiti bine.

Good evening, I greet you, reader!

It's my first attempt to write something, not necessarily here, it's really my first essay output, if I can call it that. I may be boring, my articles may not appeal to you, but I will try to transcribe myself as I am in real life. I feel good when those around me feel good with me. I like to raise eyebrows, I like to surprise in a fun way. It's something that charges my batteries, that makes me, first of all, feel good. I'm an engineer by profession, I can't compare myself to those of the epic genre, but I'll do my best to make you feel good.

Zizimerisme...De unde vine?

In facultate mi-am castigat berile prin baruri spunand un banc. Acelasi banc de fiecare data, upgradat de fiecare data, imbunatatit. La un moment dat am avut si un asistent, cel mai bun prieten, care ma ajuta sa lungesc bancul atat cat tinea buzunarul ascultatorilor. Cei care il auzisera veneau si a doua oara si a treia oara, doar ca sa asiste la show, sa le vada fetele celor care il auzeau pentru prima oara, sa rada continuu de imbunatatirile aduse. Ma ajutau prin simplu fapt ca nu spuneau bancul mai departe, le placea sa il auda de la mine si imi strangeau audienta… “Nu stii bancul cu Zizimeru’?!?! Cauta-l pe Ucu si Tataie”.

Zizimerisme...Where does it come from?

In college I earned my beers in bars by telling a bank. The same bank every time, upgraded every time, improved. At one point I also had an assistant, my best friend, who helped me extend the bench as much as the listeners' pockets could hold. Those who had heard him came a second time and a third time, just to attend the show, to see the faces of those who heard him for the first time, to laugh continuously at the improvements brought. They helped me by the simple fact that they didn't tell the bank further, they liked to hear it from me and they gathered my audience... "Don't you know the joke with Zizimeru'?!?! Look for Ucu and Tataie".

Tensiunea era maxima, asteptam sa se stranga vreo 8-10 dornici, dupa care alegeam locatia pentru noua versiune a bancului. Seara era magnifica, berile curgeau, lumea se simtea bine, eu imi incarcam bateriile. Nu stiu cat de bine va iesi acest banc scris, trebuie spus, gesticulat, schimbari de tonalitate, pe care voi incerca sa le transcriu. Sper sa captiveze…Oricum, daca ma voi intalni cu unul dintre voi, vi-l voi reproduce “face to face”. Bancul este lung si-l voi imparti pe mai multe articole.

The tension was at a maximum level, we were waiting for about 8-10 people to gather, after which we chose the location for the new version of the joke. The evening was magnificent, the beers were flowing, people were feeling good, I was charging my batteries.I don't know how well this written joke will turn out, it must be said, gesticulated, changes in tone, which I will try to transcribe. I hope it captivates... Anyway, if I meet one of you, I will reproduce it for you "face to face".The joke is long and I will divide it into several articles.

Sa incepem cu inceputul…

Orice definitie, cuvant nou, nu incercati sa-l cautati in dictionar, deoarece nu exista. Totul este o inventie proprie, menita de a distra.
Voi traduce pentru inceput numele bancului.

ZIZIMERISM, zizimerisme, s. n. 1. Cugetare enunțată într-o formă concisă, lapidara, memorabilă și distractiva; glumă, pehlivănie, polojenie, (fam.). 2. Principiu, concepție, gândire, imbatabila, incontestabila, indubitabila din punctual de vedere al naturii sale ilariante– Din lat. zizimerismus.
Sursa Ucuitoru

Sperand ca v-am captivat atentia, asa cum ipotetica regina persana Șeherezada, a reusit sa supravietuiasca, voi astepta primele 10 “subscriber-uri” noi pentru a incepe. In timp ce cititi aceste randuri eu deja redactez primul episod.

Let's start with the beginning...

Any definition, new word, don't try to look it up in the dictionary, because it doesn't exist. Everything is a personal invention, meant to entertain.
I will first translate the name of the bank.

ZIZIMERISM, zizimerismes, s. n. 1. Thought expressed in a concise, pithy, memorable and entertaining form; joke, pehlivanie, polojenia, (fam.). 2. Principle, conception, thought, unbeatable, indisputable, indubitable from the point of view of its hilarious nature – From Lat. zizimerismus
The Ucuitoru Source

Hoping that I have captivated your attention, just as the hypothetical Persian queen Scheherazade managed to survive, I will wait for the first 10 new "subscribers" to start. While you are reading these lines, I am already writing the first episode.

Cap. I ZIZIMERUL – the beginning

Head. I ZIZIMERUL – the beginning


alt puiRomyGaladraelVaesirVisatorVisatorGaladrael

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Incerci varianta bilingva... now I'm curious Smile)
Hai cu bancul!Wink