منتشر شده در Croatia - تعاملات اجتماعی و سرگرمی - 06 Nov 2024 16:31 - 28
Hello dear players of eDominacy!
Today I want to explain to you how we brought ourselves in extreme overkill against Denmark but before that I, as most important news reporter in Croatia, have to bring you the sad news, which is also one of the reasons for overkill.
Our beloved president Makarov is leaving his chair after few months of leading eCroatia. I guess he has taken enough from national treasury. Even thieves have heart!
Today he organized a game. A player who writes best 10 words sentence about his presidental run gets 10k q4 weapons to hit against Denmark. While we were writing our songs and poems, evil enemy player has turned wall on their side, making it more then 5 billions in damage for Denmark.

Translation for noobs:
- Imagine playing this on coke
- Anyway, guys I have a great little game to pass the time
- Letsgoooo
- I am going to kill my self on alcohol after this
- Whoever writes the best in exactly 10 words what kind of CP I was and my mandate gets 10k q4 weps for free
- That he can shoot against Denmark
- Now you will see who motorina is
- To make a meaningful sentence or
- It doesn't have to be meaningful
So while we were writing 10 words about Makarov, Celio turned the wall making more than 15b damage. eCroatia still didnt have a clue of that and were dreaming on burning those weapons on Denmark.
We had a few good ones but I will represent you only the winning one (copyrights

Translation for noobs:
- I used 2 types of rhyme
- Little risk for appreciated song writer
- But here it goes:
From the ashes of empire that were left by Manga
He rose Croatia to the high ranks
He led us honorably, without hate, without revenge
Formed an elite, globally renowned battalion
These 2 months pass by in no time
Out president, our Makarun
Thank you!
It sounds much better in Croatian, believe me.
After I finished my song and sent it on discord, I went straight away back to the game. I was refreshing the page in a hope 10k weapons will be transfered to my account. Few minutes have passed and the cold truth hit me in my face. I went back to discord and...

Translation for noobs:
- Simply put, no one gets anything, as the condition is exactly 10 words
- Try refreshing it one more time
- Thank you for your participation
I was furious and the rest of the team was pretty bummed too. Our dear president came to explain that he has thrown our award in Denmark battle for nothing cause the wall is too big and there is no point of turning it against DS as the region is unimportant to us. People started leaving discord channel and the writer of the poem threw the paper with the song through the window.

Translation for noobs:
- Fake promises by politicians...
- So... Bull****
- Hhahahahha, very very good
- Now you won't get anything like shauma
- Dude just played Shakespeare
- The worst paperplane in the history of mankind
- And you do this to him...
Because of the low morale in our team, our new CP Polar Bear has decided to cancel the OP for Denmark. The wall was too big to fight it against DS in unimportant battle. But the new CP made a promise as well, a promise to buy WS packages for the OH against Denmark in the last round. That pissed most of the Croatians, even the old CP. Motorina went offline...

Translation for noobs:
- Yeah, yeah, now when you need to buy WSs, the battle is unimportant
- Hahahhaahahahah
- Motorina is offline for 10 minutes already, he's probably wandering the town asking people to buy him promised WS
When we cooled off, ideas started coming to us. Our veteran and sailor Smiljan realized we can't let our award (10k q4 tanks) go to waste. He proposed he wont eat today and he will buy everyone WS with his lunch money, so we can make our prize fulfilled and win the battle against Denmark (we have nothing against you by the way, the prize just turned us crazy

Translation for noobs:
- I decided to buy WS to 3 players with strongest hit, so we avange the prize
- We are not shooting???
- I thought we are going for it
- What the f* is going on to us now
- Smiljan you are turning me on
- hahahahahahhaha 2x
- Dont make me wake me girlfriend to cash me money to revolut
- Give me the revtag Makarun
Everyone came back to the discord channel, organising everything needed for OH. Some went to get weapons, some went to get food for hyper bars, some went to call their friend to help.

Translation for noobs:
- I am going to buy tanks
- I'm gonna get some food and call some people
- Don't write on all chat that you are buying something
- Find some market and buy there
- Bulgarian or American
- Smiljan try sending me the war stash
- Mitar have you distributed everything
- I will write that I am selling and deceive the enemy. The art of warfare, gentleman
People were so excited and full of energy again. Like in the best days of the game.

Translation for noobs:
- A lot of people answered me
- Are we going in the end hahahaha
- That they will fight with us
- Letsgooo
- F*** the dog
- You are idi*** haahahah
- A lot of joy for limited stocks
- Okay then I will turn the booster again
It came to the head of our new CP that he will lose people now when Smiljan gifted everyone with WS package. He realized all of this is happening just because Makarov didnt sent promised award and he didnt buy promised WS to the players. There was no other option for him than to buy everyone WS and throw all the guilt and hate on Makarov.

Croatian players found themselves in very tricky situation. They werent able to buy 2 WS packs at once, so there was no option than to buy 2 different packs. One with bazookas and one with nukes. Therefore, we needed to throw all the nukes at t10 which turned the wall on our side already. The new problem has arisen. What to do with bazookas? Taking on mind temporary weapons need to be used before DC and we are all going to bed, there was no other option. We had to overkill the battle.

Was all this worth it? Absolutely yes! Was it truth? Absolutely not!!!
I made this whole story up. Some parts are true, some are not. For dramatic effect of course. The only truth is, we love our new CP and we loved our old CP.
Long live Mad Polar Bear!!!
Long live Makarov!!!
Today I want to explain to you how we brought ourselves in extreme overkill against Denmark but before that I, as most important news reporter in Croatia, have to bring you the sad news, which is also one of the reasons for overkill.
Our beloved president Makarov is leaving his chair after few months of leading eCroatia. I guess he has taken enough from national treasury. Even thieves have heart!
Today he organized a game. A player who writes best 10 words sentence about his presidental run gets 10k q4 weapons to hit against Denmark. While we were writing our songs and poems, evil enemy player has turned wall on their side, making it more then 5 billions in damage for Denmark.

Translation for noobs:
- Imagine playing this on coke
- Anyway, guys I have a great little game to pass the time
- Letsgoooo
- I am going to kill my self on alcohol after this
- Whoever writes the best in exactly 10 words what kind of CP I was and my mandate gets 10k q4 weps for free
- That he can shoot against Denmark
- Now you will see who motorina is
- To make a meaningful sentence or
- It doesn't have to be meaningful
So while we were writing 10 words about Makarov, Celio turned the wall making more than 15b damage. eCroatia still didnt have a clue of that and were dreaming on burning those weapons on Denmark.
We had a few good ones but I will represent you only the winning one (copyrights

Translation for noobs:
- I used 2 types of rhyme
- Little risk for appreciated song writer
- But here it goes:
From the ashes of empire that were left by Manga
He rose Croatia to the high ranks
He led us honorably, without hate, without revenge
Formed an elite, globally renowned battalion
These 2 months pass by in no time
Out president, our Makarun
Thank you!
It sounds much better in Croatian, believe me.
After I finished my song and sent it on discord, I went straight away back to the game. I was refreshing the page in a hope 10k weapons will be transfered to my account. Few minutes have passed and the cold truth hit me in my face. I went back to discord and...

Translation for noobs:
- Simply put, no one gets anything, as the condition is exactly 10 words
- Try refreshing it one more time
- Thank you for your participation
I was furious and the rest of the team was pretty bummed too. Our dear president came to explain that he has thrown our award in Denmark battle for nothing cause the wall is too big and there is no point of turning it against DS as the region is unimportant to us. People started leaving discord channel and the writer of the poem threw the paper with the song through the window.

Translation for noobs:
- Fake promises by politicians...
- So... Bull****
- Hhahahahha, very very good
- Now you won't get anything like shauma
- Dude just played Shakespeare
- The worst paperplane in the history of mankind
- And you do this to him...
Because of the low morale in our team, our new CP Polar Bear has decided to cancel the OP for Denmark. The wall was too big to fight it against DS in unimportant battle. But the new CP made a promise as well, a promise to buy WS packages for the OH against Denmark in the last round. That pissed most of the Croatians, even the old CP. Motorina went offline...

Translation for noobs:
- Yeah, yeah, now when you need to buy WSs, the battle is unimportant
- Hahahhaahahahah
- Motorina is offline for 10 minutes already, he's probably wandering the town asking people to buy him promised WS
When we cooled off, ideas started coming to us. Our veteran and sailor Smiljan realized we can't let our award (10k q4 tanks) go to waste. He proposed he wont eat today and he will buy everyone WS with his lunch money, so we can make our prize fulfilled and win the battle against Denmark (we have nothing against you by the way, the prize just turned us crazy

Translation for noobs:
- I decided to buy WS to 3 players with strongest hit, so we avange the prize
- We are not shooting???
- I thought we are going for it
- What the f* is going on to us now
- Smiljan you are turning me on
- hahahahahahhaha 2x
- Dont make me wake me girlfriend to cash me money to revolut
- Give me the revtag Makarun
Everyone came back to the discord channel, organising everything needed for OH. Some went to get weapons, some went to get food for hyper bars, some went to call their friend to help.

Translation for noobs:
- I am going to buy tanks
- I'm gonna get some food and call some people
- Don't write on all chat that you are buying something
- Find some market and buy there
- Bulgarian or American
- Smiljan try sending me the war stash
- Mitar have you distributed everything
- I will write that I am selling and deceive the enemy. The art of warfare, gentleman
People were so excited and full of energy again. Like in the best days of the game.

Translation for noobs:
- A lot of people answered me
- Are we going in the end hahahaha
- That they will fight with us
- Letsgooo
- F*** the dog
- You are idi*** haahahah
- A lot of joy for limited stocks
- Okay then I will turn the booster again
It came to the head of our new CP that he will lose people now when Smiljan gifted everyone with WS package. He realized all of this is happening just because Makarov didnt sent promised award and he didnt buy promised WS to the players. There was no other option for him than to buy everyone WS and throw all the guilt and hate on Makarov.

Croatian players found themselves in very tricky situation. They werent able to buy 2 WS packs at once, so there was no option than to buy 2 different packs. One with bazookas and one with nukes. Therefore, we needed to throw all the nukes at t10 which turned the wall on our side already. The new problem has arisen. What to do with bazookas? Taking on mind temporary weapons need to be used before DC and we are all going to bed, there was no other option. We had to overkill the battle.

Was all this worth it? Absolutely yes! Was it truth? Absolutely not!!!
I made this whole story up. Some parts are true, some are not. For dramatic effect of course. The only truth is, we love our new CP and we loved our old CP.
Long live Mad Polar Bear!!!
Long live Makarov!!!
Mitar86Crni BombarderNebra007elhichkoMysteriousMindMysteriousMindMysteriousMindMysteriousMindKAKAZZUEL COMANDANTEMotorinaspageNSKBproKroBacaKroBacaAdminMakarovLesleyMad Polar BearMad Polar BearSaferBOSMANTankardisteVokasiCRIS 99نظر ها (28)

Long live Mad Polar Bear!!!
Long live Makarov!!!

"Fuck the dog"


Интересно оооуууу и 23

o7 good OH

XD o7


Oh man. I cant see the image. Pls make at other web


Drago mi je da sam bio deo ovoga o7

s28 v24 thank you




Just amazing how good and creative these guys are, its sad that your talents were not shown till today.

Still confused about the title, but I'm noob.

Title is deceiving to bring more readers

Admin, a suggestion: make your endorse golden (as colour) and consisting in gold. So we know you mean it 

Good Fight, and all the best. We don't have anything with you also, but we are on different side of the wall, so lets dance and that's it. Is just a game, let's enjoy it.


idk what to say, Why So Serious? maybe? Is this About DK? or about the president?
Either way, gg for the fight. was a good one!


There is no thanks to me for selling you my last food? bad boys🤭