منتشر شده در Romania - تعاملات اجتماعی و سرگرمی - 02 Nov 2024 07:17 - 10

1) First of all, thanks for this interview Dear @OchiReci. Please introduce yourself to the readers.
OR: I have over 300 years of experience in these games. I'm the best strategist and i'm always right, especially when i'm drunk. Everyone who doesn't agree with me is sh1tty, fool and stup1d. I also had a Church to mask my behaviour and give free food to people to vote for me.
Damn communists, i can't babble all day and all night in peace without them making fun of me!
2) How did you register in eDominacy?
OR: I love to talk when i'm drunk and edominacy felt like the right place to do so. I like to write endless stories about something but end up saying nothing. You should have seen me in my glory days, the whole Romanian in-game chat was mine! walls and walls of text writing nonsense. I miss that.
3) If you could change one thing in eDominacy. what would you change?
OR: i would change energy bars to beer cans. The greatest idea that was ever proposed in game is this
Admin News Day 200 - Beer Can
4) What is the most fun thing you did in the game? And/or most fond memory.
OR: Ohh man! You should have seen me in government chats! We were 10 people there talking about projects, all of the 9 fools agreed on everything but then i got drunk and delayed the projects for days for writing nonsense, just talking sh1t that i don't like something and it should be changed. It was EPIC. Then when they gave me a chance to be CP as they weren't running for it, i let the government make all the plans and projects, agreed on everything and in the middle of the night when again, i got too drunk to remember, they told me i sent all the treasury gold to whoever i wanted, as much of it as i wanted. They wanted to split equally among participants, but screw that, i sent 400g to some people, 100g to others, who cares to how many? I'm the best. I gave them free gold, they should love me. They should follow me to Denmark now.
5) You are one of tank in this game, what can you say to players, how you can motivate them?
OR: I'm not a tank. There are no Beer cans in the game yet. When Admin will add that, you will see what tanking means. I will be the drunkest player in the game! Just like i'm in real life.
6) Who are your best friends in this game?
OR: Beer. I love Beer, i don't drink anything else. Oh, you mean actual people? A random guy gifted me a beer can in a park, he thought i'm homeless. What a man! That's what i call a true friend! Gift me Beer cans if you want to be my friend.
7) Who are your best enemy(!) in this game, as hate, and why?
OR: Those bloody communists that are always making fun of me. Hero,Humulus,Tankardist,Sesebi,Ucuitoru,Lusha,hellspawn, alt pui.. wait, i swear there were more. Ask me again tomorrow, i think i drank too much and i'm losing my memory again.
8) What is your opinions about eTurkiye in this game?
OR: Great people! You should drink more beer!
9) if you were dictator of your eCountry and could controll everything, which 3 countries would be your ally, and who will be your eEnemy...
OR: If i was a dictator, i would make the beer free. My skills would be losing memories and passing out. My enemies? those bloody communits that make fun of me!
10) What is your last words to players, and also to Admin?

OR: Add Beer can in the game! and, oh.. Cheers!
TankardistTankardistTankardistSolomon Kaneنظر ها (10)

first, carlsberg the best beer ever , cheers !

You can't fool us. He is nothing like OR. Those short answers... no, not him

Sorry, i must admit, the text was half with grammar mistakes, i had to correct it 



Cred ca e cazul sa oprim chestia asta..au ras destul strainii pe seama noastra...

Din păcate, cred ca singurul mod în care se va opri asta, e dacă se lasă de joc. Partea buna e că și străinii încep sa vadă de ce sunt dușmani și cine e vinovatul. Chiar dacă nu spun asta public

Another lucky?!? wheel, another ROBERY admin!!! Sad Press to spin 40 BGN