منتشر شده در United States of America - تعاملات اجتماعی و سرگرمی - 29 Oct 2024 05:48 - 16
While reporting the same multis mentioned in the previous article (The Multi Federation) for using fighting scripts, someone got triggered and called me a "spammer"...for reporting multis.

The reason for report is that they went to the next level with fighting scripts to use the multis in OHs.
(check their profiles, the same copy/paste accounts)

Sadly, 3 of their brothers did fall in battle, 3 accounts directly linked with those above got caught by automated software for...being multis.
"Real Players they said"

The following accounts are permanently banned in the last 30 days, showing how "uncommon" multis are in Peru.
(there are also 10+ lvl 1-20 banned accounts which i didn't list for obvious reasons)

LesleyMad Polar BeardamachenArcticنظر ها (16)

Multi Federation and its „nooo, it’s a real players“
) good job Hero, thanks! o7

Fallen soldier

IsaakMultiko 😭😭 i'm sowwy for your loss

Lol '3 of their brothers fall in battle'
That was brilliant.

One more art of the same shit xd. Hero's tears and endless like rivers flows

i'm actually laughing, and i'll laugh again when more of your "real players" get caught slipping 😭


So sowwy

I just realised IsaakMultiko said "One more art of the same shit xd. " ... to an article about him and his country xD

Well done o7

So, Isaak considers his country and himself as shit :kekw:

gente aplausos este muchacho me llena de orgullo solo traigan barcos qué me ahogo en sus lágrimas

Cuánta imaginación XD

Good job , BH o7

Jajajajajaja mmwv ... Digo glu glu glu glu
