منتشر شده در Venezuela - بحث و تحلیل سیاسی - 05 Sep 2024 14:10 - 28

FJNGHzSaScymeXTikazZMilk007EvanzTripleKolaMysteriousMindcOSHiVergacionNebra007نظر ها (28)

Boa sorte na jornada, A bandeira e as fardas ficaram lindas, Esse pássaro aqui na minha região da vida real se chama corrupião e está em muitos emblemas de cidades do interior, Parabéns pelo trabalho !

You've build something great. All the best o7

o7, Best of luck, SAR!

No Persian language not approved!

Nooooo Shayan please 

Add Persian 😮

Excelente. Felicitación y el mayor de los éxitos.

Congrats and good luck

Madre mía cuantos idiomas... xDD felicidades


Nice o7

Son unos cracks

Que buen servicio, en todos los idiomas...
Muchos éxitos! O7


Nice work, good luck

Long live South Atlantic Republic

Amazing work and dedication for this piece of documentation, just amazing someone is putting so much effort.
Good luck Guys, wish you all the best

too little too late, game is finito

Good luck o7


USA here
Good luck o7

Good luck o7

Boa sorte o7



good luck o7