منتشر شده در China - تعاملات اجتماعی و سرگرمی - 01 Jul 2024 06:37 - 16

After a tiring discussion between the game administrator and Humulus were agreed the following points:
- Humulus will buy 1 Monthly Pack every month
- Humulus will buy 1 Business Pack every 15 days
- Humulus will buy Gold Ticket for himself as many events are created by admin
- Humulus will have to spend as much euros is necessary so that the balance of the game's revenue is not negative
- Admin will act as protector of Humulus and reserve the right to not ban him and defend him against any hostile actions (vulgarity, insults)
- Admin will allow Humulus to have as many multis he wants, as long as he doesn't name them "Fanatique_is_Asmin", "Jagas_plays_with_multies", "Ochireci_didn't_take_the_pills", "Hero_is_Dani's_girl"
- The terms can be revised and changed anytime if both parties agree.
- There is no expiration date, the agreement can be canceled by any party with a 10 day notice.
RomyKabokloSolomon KaneAdmincOSHiنظر ها (16)

Hero is not my girl, I am his girl.

Signed by a passerby!

Wth is this?
What sorcery is this?

Admin said you have to buy 1MP/month for me too


this is the true innocence! I approve o7 

Signed by admin o7

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01 Jul 2024 06:36
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Sieg H... Wait, wrong article. Signed by the Spanish Empire.

Adminul vrea doar să încaseze, de dat dă doar rateuri... Pact score 0-1 for Admin.
P.s. țin să precizez că nu țin în niciun caz cu adminul, dar îi cunosc tehnica 🥴

Asmin is my friend

You forgot to say:
Admin will refund 100% Humulus investments...
