منتشر شده در United States of America - تعاملات اجتماعی و سرگرمی - 19 Jun 2024 14:36 - 12
Today I want to invite all interested players in our community of United States of America!
-What we can offer you?
An adventure, community of good spirit, perspective future, equality and respect for each individual!
-Is there something more?
Of course! We will reward first 10 players who join us!
-First 5 players who join will get 1x Roockie pack ( if they are level 0-300) or for players 300+ 1xMonthly Pack or BP.
Another 5 players will get 10k wep Q5 + 50g.
! Special requirements:
- join our new discord channel and just be active with us!
*Rewards will be send on day 89.
*CP of USA will bear the cost of rewards and not USA treasure or their citizens.
We are waiting for you! o7
CP of United States of America, Lesley
Today I want to invite all interested players in our community of United States of America!
-What we can offer you?
An adventure, community of good spirit, perspective future, equality and respect for each individual!
-Is there something more?
Of course! We will reward first 10 players who join us!
-First 5 players who join will get 1x Roockie pack ( if they are level 0-300) or for players 300+ 1xMonthly Pack or BP.
Another 5 players will get 10k wep Q5 + 50g.
! Special requirements:
- join our new discord channel and just be active with us!
*Rewards will be send on day 89.
*CP of USA will bear the cost of rewards and not USA treasure or their citizens.
We are waiting for you! o7
CP of United States of America, Lesley
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