
Publicado en Switzerland - Debates y Análisis político - 28 Apr 2024 07:11 - 7

English version:
The ex-French MoD had declared a rogue attack on Switzerland which resulted with Switzerland losing the region Romandie. About 2 days later Switzerland has manged to secure back the region via the method of Revolutionary War.

First and foremost, i would like to thank the French president for his extensive cooperation and understanding on this and previous matters. We have always managed to find a joint dialogue and reach a consensus.

Next i would like to thank everyone that helped Switzerland in defending Romandie and winning it back. Switzerland considers everyone that participated in both battles to be state friends of Switzerland and the Federal State is liable to provide them with VIP treatment every time they cross Swiss borders.

I would like to again, thank the superhero Jango for always standing up for the weaker side and providing support.
I would like to thank the Irish MoFA OriginalQc for his understanding of the situation, for the information provided, and his pledge to investigate the matter.
I would like to thank the Slovenian PM Napoleon for his understand of the situation and the information provided.
I would like to thank the German MoFA Aleksandar_718 for standing on Swiss side and providing military support.
I would like to thank the military unit Lupii Carpatini(eng. Carpathian Wolves) as well for standing up for the weaker side and providing support in this world of clashing giants.
I would like to thank Turkey for the help, unreservedly fighting against bigger opponents, and for the concerns expressed.
I would like to thank Sweden for the help, going above and beyond, showcasing Switzerland`s situation to the international community.
I would like to thank Spain for the help, bravely charging on the battlefield. By state law mothers will tell tales of the bravery of the Tercio for generations to come to their children. And secret police will patrol the streets in civilian disguise, tempting kids with ice-cream to unknowingly interrogate the little angles if their mothers have been doing their job right.
I would like to thank Finland for the help, hawkishly observing the battle for Romandie and military deployment in the hour of reckoning.

Switzerland is opening liberation celebrations and in that honor is declaring the 27th day of each month as a national holiday named San Serranus, the patron of Switzerland.
God sent us this patron, Lourditas knows best. On this day the families will celebrate by having a dinner, remembering the war crimes, eating Serrano Jamon, and holding back tears for having to overpay pesetas to the Jewish Portuguese who intentionally rise up the prices of the Serrano Jamon they export to Switzerland during the new national holiday. If my father was alive he would open his own Jamon brokerage!
In honor of our new patron San Serranus, Switzerland changes its flag from a cross to a religious swastika made of Serrano Jamons. We call for a petition to Admin to adopt the new national flag.

Near future plans for Switzerland is to close the war with France that was opened without Swiss approval, refund its cost for liberation, and continue to build bridges with nations and cultures acting as a factor of regional stability and peace.

In other news,
- Switzerland is cutting diplomatic ties with North Macedonia.
- Switzerland is internationally recognizing Flanders as core region of Spain.
- Switzerland is opening RWs in other countries at a fee of 0.5g + cost expenses(RW cost + travel cost) for a total of 16.5 gold. Our discretion is guaranteed.
- Switzerland is offering 95% gold refund from gold taxes gained, to individuals who like to dodge taxes. Our discretion is guaranteed.

Scottish version:

The ex-French MoD hud declared a rogue attack oan Switzerland, resultin' in Switzerland losin' the region Romandie. Near aboot 2 days later, Switzerland hud managed tae secure back the region through the method o' the Revolutionary War.

First oan' foremost, Ah'd like tae thank the French president fur his extensive cooperation an' understanding oan this an' previous matters. We've aye managed tae find a joint dialogue an' reach a consensus. Next, Ah'd like tae thank awbody that helped Switzerland in defendin' Romandie an' winnin' it back. Switzerland considers awbody that participated in baith battles tae be state friends o' Switzerland an' the Federal State is liable tae provide them wi' VIP treatment every time they cross Swiss borders.

Ah'd like tae again thank the superhero Jango fur always standin' up for the weaker side an' providin' support. Finally, Ah'd like tae thank the Irish MoFA OriginalQc fur his understanding o' the situation, fur the information provided, an' his pledge tae investigate the matter.
I wid like tae thank the Slovenian PM Napoleon fur his understandin o' the situation an' the information provided. I'd also like tae thank the German MoFA Aleksandar_718 fur standin' on Swiss side an' providin' military support. I must thank the military unit Lupii Carpatini for standin' up for the weaker side an' lendin' their support in this world o' clashing giants. Much appreciation tae Sweden for goin' above an' beyond in showcasin' Switzerland's situation tae the international community. And aye, a special thanks tae Spain for their brav'ry on the battlefield -- mothers will tell tales o' the Tercio's bravery fur generations tae come, an' secret police will be roamin' the streets in plain clothes temptin' kids with ice-cream tae secretly interrogate them on if their mothers hae been doin' their job reet. Last but not least, a heartfelt thanks tae Finland for their observation o' the battle for Romandie an' their military support in the hour o' reckoning.

Switzerland is opening liberation celebrations and tae honor that they're declaring the 27th day of each month as a national holiday named San Serranus, the patron of Switzerland. God sent us this patron, Lourditas kens best. On this day the families will celebrate by havin' a dinner, mindin' the war crimes, eatin' Serrano Jamon, and holdin' back tears for havin' tae overpay pesetas tae the Jewish Portuguese who intentionally hike up the prices of the Serrano Jamon they export tae Switzerland durin' the new national holiday. If ma faither was alive he'd open his ain Jamon brokerage!

In honour ay oor new patron San Serranus, Switzerland chynges its flag fae a cross tae a religious swastika made o' Serrano Jamons. We cry oot fur a petition tae Admin tae adopt the new national flag.

In ither news, Switzerland is cuttin' diplomatic ties wi' North Macedonia. Switzerland is internationally recognisin' Flanders as core region o' Spain. Switzerland is openin' RWs in ither countries at a fee o' 0.5G + cost expenses (RW cost + travel cost) for a total of 16.5 gold. Our discretion is guaranteed. Switzerland is offerin' 95% gold refund for gold taxes gained, tae individuals who like tae dodge taxes. Our discretion is guaranteed.xes. Our discretion is guaranteed.



Comentarios (7)

Hail San Serranus.
o7 Bless Switzerland on its holy day.
Españita ^^
Sweden always on the side of justice ⚖️ 😎🇸🇪🇨🇭
Hail San Serranus and hail to the king Santiago Serrano o7