The Prancing Iron

PonyStark - Periódico de Sweden -

Publicado en Sweden - Negocios y Finanzas - 25 Apr 2024 14:41 - 0

The freer the market, the freer the people. But in our case, there is a necessity for central planning. If we want to go forward as a nation, we need to plan our strategy and economy. Fortunately, being financially strong and being military strong is identical. That's why am proposing a social agreement, between the citizens of Sweden and the Government.

The first part is about economy. Let us give some incentive for the hard working Swedes. We need to raise the minimum wage to 4 SEK at least. Most people may be working with higher wages by now, but being able to secure a better wage for starters, it's something we need to do. 

Taxing will not help us, workers should get paid what they deserve, and the entrepreneurs should feel safe to invest and plan. Nevertheless, we need to control the infrastructure. Set the taxes for Housing, Hospitals and Defence Systems to 40%, as they need to be nationalized. Even if there is not a production now, soon we need to start producing. They are a part of a more national infrastructure I am going to propose later. Set a flat 8% VAT to the materials, food and weapons. Set a flat 15% import tax. Foreigners that choose our country to make a profit should also contribute to the prosperity of our Nation. This way every company in the country will contribute a little to the National Treasury. And having a National Treasury, and a National Plan are all that matters. 

Some people will wonder, why tax and raise the prices, and not keep them lowest as possible, and let people be? National planning. The money should be invested in making Sweden a State. Not just a random country.

Hospital and Housing
I was pleased to see that our President built a Hospital. We need to keep the finances to a level that we can replenish the hospital when it is needed, and expand. Housing also is a matter the Government should plan, making a national company and look for workers. Same goes for the Defence. If we can set up a national housing company and start producing houses, we can make a National Housing Project, supplying Houses to citizens in exchange of their contribution to the National Cause. Being a loyal Soldier of Sweden should be rewarded.

Army Organization
We need to organize the Army. Sweden already has a Military Unit. Make it the Official National Army. Let Swedes join, let them work for the State, supply weapons as needed, and food for every day instead of a payment, and make a national Arsenal, stockpile Weapons and food and maximize the efficiency. Sharpen the spear that will strike fear in the heart of our enemies.

Foreign Policy
Sweden is not alone on this world. We need to open a conversation to nations that share a common vision. Help each other prosper. Sweden should stand next to any oppressed nation that calls, any nation that wants Sweden to help. 

Of course, all these are just suggestions and open for debate to the whole Swedish Nation, and the Member of the Parliament.

Citizen and current Member of the Swedish Assembly,


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