Publicado en Bulgaria - Análisis de Guerra - 25 Apr 2024 04:32 - 20

Stole all the country gold and left, it was organized crime by him and danider...
Admin pls help get our country back its unfair

Seconds later he joined Peru to make love with Jango and Celio threesome

TorpinSinaComentarios (20)

The gold is mine and you cant prove otherwise

LoL 🤣🤣🤣

lol XD

Clear theft.. admin should intervene here


Las fechas no coinciden

embezzlement of the century 

Вън чорбарите от властта ! Levski i tesni pichki

This is funny if it's not real, funnier if it's real.

ПИТАМ сега кой ще и даде пари

That's the price we pay to get this commie out of our great democratic nation! 🇧🇬🌍 Само Левски и тесни пичоци от тук нататък

And why all of your congressman say yes to thats law?

Alex95 has them in his pocket full of multies

and there are 8 congressmen that assist the embezzlement :p

I Will leave this game because this is not fair i dont have balls i go two click after i Will go to erev2 when the date Will be 6may

9333 gold ? alex is big bilioner thief 

Червен терор !