Thinking Out Loud

BattleHero - Periódico de Romania -

Publicado en Bulgaria - Entretenimiento y Ocio - 13 Apr 2024 17:40 - 40

Even if we ignore all the past issues with Training Grounds unlocked on day 1, -50% Discounts where only visa can benefit, the big mistake with Nukes at launch, there is this:

One player can do 351560 hits in a day (3.51 Millions Energy)
One player can do 10 Billions Damage in a single day on Day 17
One player can do more damage in a week than all other countries except Bulgaria and Peru
One player can do more damage than all the next 10 adversaries combined in the Weekly Tournament (** Most of them are 5 stars visa)
One player can somehow get over 100k RPG's in a single day 

All battles are finished or ongoing on Day 17
E Macedonia Battle 57,890 Hits - 1,507,357,990 Damage
N Armenia Battle 46,415 Hits - 1,523,851,440 Damage
Tel Aviv Battle 84,685 Hits - 2,836,466,460 Damage
Mazuria Battle 20,435 Hits - 736,287,780 Damage
Pyongan Battle 41,155 Hits - 1,104,436,090 Damage
Shanxi Battle 44,480 Hits - 1,277,038,900 Damage
Sichuan Battle 56,500 Hits - 1,327,733,550 Damage

If we to do the math of how many average f2p players fighting with energy only we'd need to reach this damage we'd exceed the game total population.

While some players:
Can't get enough gold from medals to upgrade TG's
Can't get enough food to hit even empty handed
Can't build even one more extra food company to sustain themselves

There is no balance in the game, there never was, probably will never be.
If i knew how the game is, i would never have registered.
Fix the game before it's too late.

Later edit:
We actually WON. The main culprit for the problem was the Lucky Wheel with the Hyper Bars rewards.
Changes were made today on the Lucky Wheel, Hyper Bars were replaced by 100 Food q5 and RPG amount changed from 500 to 300.



Comentarios (40) - - here are more battle. plus damage in your calculation
big like
thank you, i somehow missed those, adding them now.
and it was your choose, you made non balancing Alliance. so that please stop this bullshit. Make Alliances So that you keep the balance and I won't be too painful for you.
You're not the problem JanGo, it's the potential any visa can have to ruin the game for everyone if they spend more.
or try to realize that money from parents can also be used to buy escorts not just medals on online games
If you think that you are talking to a 12-year-old child, you are very wrong Smile Good luck on the battlefield.
Yeah, this is getting kinda out of hand. despite the overkill that is parabellum alliance.
that's the bad part, if I was under the impression that I was talking to a 12 years old child we wouldn't get into the discussion, I'm talking to a grown man who didn't understand that money from parents is better spent on escorts not online games...
Say what you want about Parabellum, i won't argue about that. Tthis is about visa having no limits in the game, tomorrow it can be another player dealing 20B against your country, good luck fighting him with an army of f2p players.
They turned game from p2w in to pay to kill game at start for vast majority of potential players. There is no way that they can fix game after this. While in turn this game had big effect on erev1, negatively
I'm really excited for when the game is going to do a special event for when everyone who abuses their parents' visa cards loses their virginity.
I don't have parents so please never mention them in this bullshit game.
Admin is dont care
And if we do, what are you going to do, put the parents' card in again to give damage against us?
Tankardist we all can see how buring is your envy but please stay on topic.
f2p players really soon with realize it's pointless to play this joke. sad
This is really ruining the game with no review of checks/balances. I have been limiting what I buy because the game is becoming veryyyyy P2W, and I want the game to thrive. Not die..
Offensive_Bias please let me cry in the pool, you want a picture? give me private
yo tambien me registre pensando en un nuevo comienzo un nueva vida nuevos amigos, una historia que recorrer pero desde el inicio me encontre una pared gigante entre los visa y los no visa, es mi impresion o adm solo quiere vaciar nuestros borsillos con todas esos mecanicas del juego. al inicio quise comprar oro tambien aprovechando los descuentos luego me di cuenta de muchas cosas compre algunos pack para pegar, pero hasta ahi ahora me arrepiento porque parece que esto no va a cambiar solo empeorara.
I also registered thinking of a new beginning, a new life, new friends, a story to go through but from the beginning I found a giant wall between visa and non-visa, is it my impression or does admin just want to empty our pockets with all those mechanics? of the game. At the beginning I wanted to buy gold, also taking advantage of the discounts, then I realized many things, I bought some packs to stick, but up to that point now I regret it because it seems that this is not going to change, it will only get worse.
@CetroReD, i feel exactly the same, and did the same things you did, i think there are more players in our situation.
y'all mad bc we got jango to deal with your alliance. i told you, we on top.
@CentroReD +1 brother, same story. @Nowe you have some kind of mental issue mate, no one cares about jango, it's the game mechanics and balance.
does that weak response help you cope better?
Коментирай 2000 символа elhichko 13 Apr 2024 02:23 sub for fun, shortly sff!
What was the cooldown on energy packs again? And is there one on gold packages?
Why are you blaming JanGo? The man has the right to spend his money wherever he chooses. You know very well who is to blame for the huge imbalance at the moment, as well as for a number of thoughtless decisions that led to it.
They made eRev1, eRev2, and now eDominacy, but they never learn. Only some blablabla words on article to cover their intended mistake to gain money as fast as possible without thinking about the game future. I bet they will make eDominacy2 in 2 years.
AstaFlux speaking right
x2 Why are you blaming JanGo? The man has the right to spend his money wherever he chooses. You know very well who is to blame for the huge imbalance at the moment, as well as for a number of thoughtless decisions that led to it. With the change in the wheel... someone loses
I don't blame JanGo, he's the example of what visa can do in the game, it could be someone else.
@CentroReD +2
0 $$ For me, if the administrator harms 1 player and as a gift he does it with 20 more, then let him eat it.
Can't get enough gold from medals to upgrade TG's Can't get enough food to hit even empty handed Can't build even one more extra food company to sustain themselves
Hero Jango 06-08 april hiting 200 levels is not problem hits for Bulgaria 13-14 april hiting 200 levels agaist Bulgaria and bulgarian allies is problem like new changes only crying nothing other o7
Fotocopie la indigo de pe celelalte, însă în partea cealaltă au fost medaliile de 5 gold la tp,tr,ta, cu tot cu foamea făcută te puteai dezvolta, aici chiar și să produci un missile îți cere 150 arme navale/ terestre, nu îmi imaginez câte va cere la q5. Pe celelalte la un missile Q5 ai nevoie de atâtea arme, clar ceva nu va funcționa niciodată dacă nu vor rearanja și face calculele necesare.