Publicado en Indonesia - Entretenimiento y Ocio - 17 Feb 2025 04:20 - 22
Hello, its me again. o7
Today Indonesia will do some cleaning for our MU
We will open recruitment for 2 MU's which is GARUDA CLAN and OUTSIDER
How to Join:
We are trying to build healthy community. Your past doesn't matter to us. Oh right, if you don't want to join our MU but still want the Tax Return Benefit, YOU STILL CAN HAVE IT. Just join our discord server and register, you can enjoy the Tax Return. (As long as we are not wiped of course hahahaha)
Cheers o7
Today Indonesia will do some cleaning for our MU
We will open recruitment for 2 MU's which is GARUDA CLAN and OUTSIDER
- Automatic Tax Return at 50% for WAM and 90% for upgrade building/company (You only need to register with your discord profile and done). Tax will be distributed each Monday
- Giveaway from 100g-1000g every week and on special occasion
- Discord bot to find cheapest price for any product, anytime. (We will give you role to access it)
- Activity Reward, we will give every citizen who are actively open RW, joining OH, including chatting! The reward range are gold (between 100g to 200g) and Q5 Company sometimes.
- Supplies, every OH we will give you 1k to 5k based on necessities. BUT, sometimes we will give you up to 10k or more for Special Task.
- Follow our order
- Be Active
- Exessive toxicity are prohibited
- Any personal problem must resolved on DM/PM, except if you need us as mediator.
- You don't have to change cz if you want, we will allow you to help your native country
How to Join:
- Join our discord server Garuda Clan
- Ping me or anyone else to register
- We will choose which MU you will be in
- Have fun
We are trying to build healthy community. Your past doesn't matter to us. Oh right, if you don't want to join our MU but still want the Tax Return Benefit, YOU STILL CAN HAVE IT. Just join our discord server and register, you can enjoy the Tax Return. (As long as we are not wiped of course hahahaha)
Cheers o7
harisHarkoKosingasrchzVirtusDer KommissarG I NZylo97xaqaparwaJack RafflesiaMurat Monstrumvali2009Sr IkiMr MamonfrajcoSzarnyasbetyarComentarios (22)

Hail Indonesia

So we can expect cleanup from MKD bots?

No need to fill form guys. Its automatic one register and enjoy your weekly return
. Come join us

Idk whats their deal with other countries, but I won't support any of them since they don't discuss with me first. If our MU are full, yes we will kick them out for new members

o7 glad to see you back

thank you pavelcho o7

Hail Indonesia 🇮🇩 🫡❤️

Its called an modern System

Jaya Jaya Jaya


@NSKBpro first clean up bots from your country its full, serbian players are very well known for multi accs in every game, after your country USA is second !!!

Ok. Me sumo !


Take zylo please

Come to Indonesia zylo o7

Pedjoe ang gak punya discord

Pm om pedjoeang o7

Peju ang?

ang ang

Play the game without all the flaming! Join Garuda, Join Indo