Alex's newspaper

Alex95 - Periódico de Bulgaria -

Publicado en Bulgaria - Negocios y Finanzas - 14 Jan 2025 02:30 - 5

Hello everyone,

its has been almost 3 days after the previous article was published. Im honestly and happily surprised by the participation and i want to express my gratitude for trusting in the program.

In less than a 3 days we have 11 investors with a total amount of 10400

The highest investor is with 3000 while the smallest one is with 200.
The names of the investors wont be shared as everyone of them have a choice to comment about it in the article or global chat. 
In just 15 days all of them will get their total investment plus the 20% interest rate. 

About the future of the investing program we have slight changes. We will no longer have 30 days option as it was bad calculted by myself and investors actually win more from the 15 day plan.

One more thing that i realized is that we need to put a limit on the total amount of invested gold. I was naive to think that we can manage paying back even if we had 200k gold. The truth is that to be able to pay the interests on time, the total investment should not be above 25-30k gold in the same time. 
Keep in mind that if we are close to this amount some of the potential investors will be put on hold until we pay back to the investors we already have. This will be done so we can ensure paying interests on time to every investor without any delays.

Once again, this is a thing for the future, current investors should not be worried about anything.

I want to finish with message to all the people that accused this as a scam, ponzi scheme and many more. I perfectly realize negativity is all around us but please before you judge at least give it 15 days so you can see the first paybacks and check it out if its really a scam.
I know for sure that in the future the people that call it scam now, will want to invest big amounts too. Time will tell.



Comentarios (5)

📈 o7
I was just planning to invest 30k, but looks like i will have to go with my gold elsewhere :unamused: i was thinking, the only way this thing is possible is if you build a lot of q5 army/navy then sell the products for profit and use that to hand payouts. What happens if youi flood the market with weap and nobody buys them? :thinking:
I gave 1000 gold and received 200 gold back. For now I am happy because it is some extra in return.