Economic Pulse

cOSHi - Periódico de Venezuela -

Publicado en Ireland - Negocios y Finanzas - 10 Apr 2024 12:16 - 14

Welcome to the 2nd edition of "Economic Pulse" - your window to Edomi economic news.

As always we will offer interesting economic views along with bad graphics until someone couldn't hold longer and offer some help Smile

Today we'll be giving a deeper look to the world economy along with suggesting factors to look at and pillars to use when we want to estimate a country economic strength.

What's the main idea of the article?

In our first article, , we have covered top 15 countries by size and their gold markets but we've seen there's no correlation between a country size of "active citizens" and actual economic power.

"Economic Pulse" is suggesting a better way to measure a country economic power than just citizens, along with some in depth info of current countries status.

Note! article do not address or factor regions size or bonuses. But we do inform that during audit Morocco had no regions which affects status as shown below. 

 So, where do we begin? Yes, country's "active citizens" size:


We can see Bulgaria is still a superpower with around 350 citizens, Indonesia around 145 and Romania, Iran and Serbia share around 110 citizens each.

Here it's getting interesting, let's add the countries treasuries with gold being the selected first factor:

Our superpower Bulgaria doesn't disappoint us leading with around 3.4k gold and 2nd on cc with 6.8k(340 gold printing value, AKA GPV). 2nd is Peru with 1218 gold and around 3900cc (195 GPV). Albania 3rd with around 465 gold and Greece to Romania has 170-300 gold each. Rest are under 100 gold.

we do need to talk about Spain, No. 1 in cc with around 9100cc (455 GPV) and Serbia that other than 270 gold hold 5000cc(250 GPV) 

Is that sufficient? not really.
Although this info can help see which country has resources or not for a long war, this doesn't mean a lot as a country can have unlimited ways to use it's treasury which we can't see.

"Economic Pulse" suggestion - Taxes! here we have 100% tax collection, a fantasy in RL but here it can give us a start to discover a true economic strength!
As they say:
Bill Archer: "We must care for each other more, and tax each other less."
Chris Rock: "You don't pay taxes--they take taxes."
Anonymous: "The best things in life are free, but sooner or later the government will find a way to tax them."

We can see that Bulgaria is leading with 2200cc daily(110 GPV) again but Peru is not really far behind with 1900 cc daily (95 GPV). Serbia is closing top 3 with around 1550cc daily (77.5 GPV). In other 17th Romania leads (30 GPV) and after Hungary (10 GPV) it's from 6 and down.

Reasons for high taxes can be a lot of things as 100% bonuses that attract foreigners to produce, a lot of items sold in markets or even citizens with very high number of companies paying taxes. work tax also pays

So how can we put all this into a Pillar?
There are a lot of events in a country cycle that should be payed attention to such as:
1. Day 13 - Peru - Tax collection of 4221cc and 2512(!) gold
2. Greece Increased tax collection from around 250 daily to 640 in one week
3. Morocco has no regions
4. Turkey has barely 100cc daily and in day 13 gold tax was 614

and more and more. 

So we placed all those factors in our Daily tax to citizens ratio, calculating cc Taxes per Active Citizen(TAC):


Now this is something completely different from what we've seen so far.
Peru is a the leader with TAC of 21, 50% more than Serbia in 2nd place with a TAC of 14. Greece is in 3rd place with a TAC of 8.5, followed by USA with a TAC of 6.8 and finally our superpower Bulgaria with TAC of 6.1 only, 5th place. Other than Romania all other countries with a TAC of under 5.

Size does matter, in a lot of aspects, but since taxes generate free cc to the use of the country, if we presume it's able to exchange that into gold, something we covered a bit in 1st article, this means the country is generating gold daily, and TAC means the average every citizen share to the country gold generation, similar to our RL GDP - "Gross Domestic Product".

What do you, our readers think?
Will TAC will be used as a pillar in our calculations with economy, war and politics?
Do you think some other measurements can give us better understanding of a country's power?
Are you annoyed enough by the poor graphics but still wish to continue reading?

Comment below if you liked the article, since as of now only 64 citizens globally can contribute some cc Smile

See you in the next article of Edominacy "Economic Pulse"



Comentarios (14)

nice article.
Support this Smile
ah, not crashing anoymore. but no pictures. let me fix that
so session crashed when I tried to publish and also to others. first 3 get's the gold I promised. tried to fix a bit the bad graphics, stopped when saw I'm doing more damage LOL. enjoy all
great article cOSHi
Thanks for the article!
always so happy to see this type of article o7
Bravo !!!!
Is there any data/information about how much every country buy gold?
Article 1 audited these details in day 10
i dont have enough level to donate cc