Publicado en Bulgaria - Negocios y Finanzas - 11 Jan 2025 13:30 - 25
Hello everyone,
today i want to introduce you to our latest economical project. As the game lacks of stock market module or anything similar at all we decided to take first steps in creating something in that aspect and we hope you will like it and make a fortune out of it.
I believe nobody can doubt in Bulgaria succes both on the battlefield and on the economic development. All of this is because of a very capable and experienced team of players. Thats why we decided to do this project as we are sure we can bring profits to absolutely everyone without any prefferences of which country or alliance they are.
Lets jump to the specifics now.
Its the most simple thing for you, the INVESTORS. You decide what ammount of gold you want to invest and we do all the dirty work on the marketplace and monetary markets so you can sit back and enjoy the passive income.
There will be two choices for you and these are whether you want profits to be paid in 15 days or in 30 days. What is the difference?
If you decide you want faster profit in 15 days, your interest rate will be 20%. Yes. In just 15 days the 500 gold you have invested will be 600!
You want to go for the long-term and wait 30 days? The interest rate in such case will be 30%. So the 500 gold invested will be 650 without moving a finger.
I guarantee that this is investment with 0% risk chance. I stand with my name and the name of my country.
We have only one rule and its 100
minimum investment per player. You can invest as much as you want, the sky is the limit.
How to invest?
Just send the ammount of gold you decided directly to my account with personal message what type of period you want your dividents to be pay back 15-30 days and thats it. Then you sit, relax and wait for your passive income.
today i want to introduce you to our latest economical project. As the game lacks of stock market module or anything similar at all we decided to take first steps in creating something in that aspect and we hope you will like it and make a fortune out of it.
I believe nobody can doubt in Bulgaria succes both on the battlefield and on the economic development. All of this is because of a very capable and experienced team of players. Thats why we decided to do this project as we are sure we can bring profits to absolutely everyone without any prefferences of which country or alliance they are.
Lets jump to the specifics now.
Its the most simple thing for you, the INVESTORS. You decide what ammount of gold you want to invest and we do all the dirty work on the marketplace and monetary markets so you can sit back and enjoy the passive income.
There will be two choices for you and these are whether you want profits to be paid in 15 days or in 30 days. What is the difference?
If you decide you want faster profit in 15 days, your interest rate will be 20%. Yes. In just 15 days the 500 gold you have invested will be 600!
You want to go for the long-term and wait 30 days? The interest rate in such case will be 30%. So the 500 gold invested will be 650 without moving a finger.

I guarantee that this is investment with 0% risk chance. I stand with my name and the name of my country.
We have only one rule and its 100

How to invest?
Just send the ammount of gold you decided directly to my account with personal message what type of period you want your dividents to be pay back 15-30 days and thats it. Then you sit, relax and wait for your passive income.
BornaXMurat MonstrumLesleyNSKBproelhichkoboikovComentarios (25)

This sounds very safe and everyone should believe you!

Good luck o7


How will i send moneh to the guy who stole bulgaria treasure multiple times D:

@Ragn0 exactly, if i be in trouble paying the interests i can withdraw gold from the treasury anytime

Great idea but what about security 

@BornaX as it is said in the article the risk is 0%. I cant guarantee with anything other than my name and my country. I realize it sounds risky but the time will show that i mean every word of what i wrote in the article.

Nice idea!! 😃

@bornax ıam the security
@alex95 tefeciliğede başladın desene 

wipe bg

she izkypyva emblemata na ymrqloto cska

You don't have any budget money, now you have to bankrupt foreigners too?

Create a tank manufacturing company for 500 gold and save the workforce 😁 if you want to see double profit and not 20 percent

@Kibrot, invest and see for yourself if we will bankrupt anyone

What do we benefit from? What is being done for the country? If you cared about the country, you would distribute weapons raw materials to the Bulgarian population and you would have a warehouse full of raw materials. You act only in your own interests

Never trust Alex. Hes pussy



Ponzi scheme

Scam. There is no risk 0%. If I will die, all investment is gone.

I dont get why would you guys say something is a scam or scheme without even trying or at least wait for the investors to say after the first period of 15 days. Please hold your thoughts until then. Im pretty sure you will be sorry then that you didnt start earlier.

"The individual investor should act consistently as an investor and not as a speculator." — Ben Graham
Never mind Alex, not right mindsets. 😄

Тарикатско оооуууу

Nice project o7