Publicado en Croatia - Debates y Análisis político - 30 Dec 2024 08:59 - 17
- Hello everyone, just a quick introduction. In these two months, the HYDRA alliance created strong bonds between themselves, with a hard fight and a big thanks to individual players who gave 100% of themselves.
- Example: When we were losing almost every battle, we didn't give up, we knew that the enemy had more dmg and was using some forbidden things in the game. We all said together that we were going to quit the game, but we did not. We decided to give 100% of ourselves in the last two or three important battles.
- At the end of it all, we turned things in our favor. They had DMG but we had persistence and will.
Results after hard two months:

- These are the temporary results of the conquered regions in the world (5 countries with the largest number of regions win the prize, only conquered regions count) the more regions you have, the greater the chance that your country will win a prize!
Now we will see bonuses at the end of the month: Croatia: 100% Navy and house
Bulgaria: 100% Wepaons
Serbia: 100% Weapons
USA: 100% House
Turkey: 100% Food
The countries with the best bonuses, as we can see HYDRA dominates in all fields.
Last month was a completely different picture, the former alliance EDEN had control over a number of regions and control over most of the bonuses. But as I said before, things change if you believe until the last moment.
The next two months are ahead of us, New bonuses and new possibilities. I hope that everyone will do their best to make the game interesting for all of us.
Zylo97MotorinaMurat MonstrumMad Polar BearMad Polar BearMad Polar BearMad Polar BearNSKBproEvanzBornaXBornaXComentarios (17)

I dont see Indo. Where are my friends?!

Hail Hydra


Savrsen primer kako unisti igru. Svi na jednoj strani, osvojiti sve, FARMATI i samo FARMATI. Nadam se da ce promena bonusa i povratak u core doneti nesto drugaciju igru. Samo treba izbaciti nagrade za gold u drzavnoj kasi, jer ce samo pojedinci profitiratinod tog golda. Ili podeliti direktno na sve aktivne igrace u zemlji.

Jedva cekam te golde da doniram na svoj nalog

@Kosingas nismo mi krivi što ste se vi raspali a imali ste daleko veći dmg od nas

o7 ❤️



Ne bi bilo loše da napišeš malo više detalja u idućem članku - koje bitke, koja je bila strategija (ako je ima), tko protiv koga, i sl.

"Domination by one alliance?" 80% of server in one alliance gg o7

Aea mano!

False propaganda

Youre Beast, keep the good work

me da igual , igual este juego ya murio