Arenga Sierra

Isaak Sirk0 - Periódico de Peru -

Publicado en Spain - Debates y Análisis político - 15 Dec 2024 09:42 - 24

Due to RL important issues, combined with huge bad manage from admin in this game, and even creating rude copies of it just to milk us more, i've decided to quit.?

Thanks for the moments, both Allies and foes, and remember RL comes first! I hope you can still get fun in this game!.?


PD: Long live to my comrades of the FA, a good proyect we could hold as long as this game made it possible.?


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Comentarios (24)

Muchas suerte, camarada. Nos vemos pronto! o7
The moment the admin extends the rounds, I'm leaving too. Good luck o7
Good luck mate o7
respect your decision mate, one day somewhere....
Goood luck o7
Good luck o7
Good luck o7
Good luck o7
I have a last request for you. Can you take Ochireci with you?
Good luck and have fun in RL. ps: take all the multis with you
Not the best exhibition of your traits and skills in this game. But i have seen and remember positive attitude and actions towards me and my community in other games. Because of that i wish you a good luck in rl.
good luck Isaak
Cu?date loco!! nos vemos!
good luck
Larga vida a Gran Isaak! Gracias por todo jefe! Hasta volver a vernos!
Good luck
co?o jefe, no nos dejes Sad
No one cares, trash
See you man! Sad o7
Nunca esperé que el proyecto de la FA fuera tan exitoso. Nos permitió 6 meses de vida a todos aquí. Gracias por todo Isaak, a pesar de que al inicio no tenia mucha fe, en especial después de la ruptura de la neutralidad. Espero que puedas resolver bien tus cosas RL y vernos codo a codo en otro juego.
Good luck mate o7
Good luck o7
gl Crying