Publicado en Croatia - Entretenimiento y Ocio - 04 Dec 2024 00:23 - 6

1)Thanks for this interview Dear @Crni Bombarder. Please introduce yourself to the readers
Hi, thank you for reaching out to me, My real name is Oleg and I'm a 21 year old audio video tehnician from Croatia.
2) How did you register in eDominacy?
I started playing the game before this one 6 years where I was known as Sir Lancelot, but i left it 3 years ago when a lot of players also left. When I heard that a new game came out I was excited to start again.
3) If you could change one thing in eDominacy. what would you change?
Well my excitement for this game entirely disappeared. I think there should be way less rounds in battles, this system of battles takes away too much time and it only favors "visa players". Also there is too little gold in the game considerin you need a lot of energy and weapon to do some noticable damage.
4) What is the most fun thing you did in the game? And/or most fond memory.
In this game not much really. Perhaps when we planned OH on discord and everyone bought WS for the battle that opposing side let go and didn't even shoot in the end. It was both depressing and funny at the same time.
5) You are one of elite player of your country, what can you say to players, how you can motivate them?
I'm hardly an elite player. I'm doing my best to better my country and my people and I think if you set yourself as a good example you will provide at least some inspiration and motivation for others.
6) Who are your best friends in this game?
I'm not really a talkative person so I don't have many friends here. I enjoy my talks with shaumatrauma on discord, but everyone there is equally dear to me i wouldn't want to put anyone above the other.
7) Who are your best enemy(!) in this game, as hate, and why?
I don't consider anyone an enemy in these games and I don't hate anyone. I love and respect a good fight from my opponents.
8) What is your opinions about eTurkiye in this game?
I absolutely loved playing alongside eTurkey in the previous game. Their determenation and activity in the game was unmatched. I hope one day they will be as active here as they were there.
9) if you were dictator of your eCountry and could controll everything, which 3 countries would be your ally, and who will be your eEnemy...
No offence to any of my allies, but I would always choose Serbia as my ally, all others could come and go. I would never side with Macedonia and Spain no matter the circumstances.
10) What is your last words to players, and also to Admin?
Put your ego aside in this and game and all others, after all it is just a game and we are here to enjoy it and have fun.
For Admin I don't have anything to say, I don't care for him as much as he doesn't care for us.
Thanks so much to Dear @Crni Bombarder for this interview.... to be continued...

#1@Danider #2@Lesley #3@Manga #4@Gollldi #5@Batasha #6@Murat Monstrum #7@gzhn #8@harisHarko #9@The Emperor #10@Isaak Sirk0 Special Interview with@Admin #12@z1Ilyrian #13@Ragn0 #14@Sir barbod #15@OchiReci #16@Aeriuz #17@Wurtex #18@Alex95 #19@janGo #20@Gh0st #21@NSKBpro #22@Ace Economist #23@StamaT #24@CRIS 99 #25@Motorina #26@Bulito99 #27@eVokasi #28@alt pui #29@BornaX #30@Thanatos #31@cOSHi #32@elhichko #33@Jaca #34@Qurcika #35@Squanchy #36@KTZHOOD43 #37@HzSa 87 #38@Bucka #39@Bosman #40@KasvaXIII #41@ChamorroPy #42@Salah ad Din Yusuf #43@WiizArD#44@Sasuke Uchiha #45@Terrorist #46@kh4N #47@Schmidt #48@Rinum #49@Bikkin #50@K_o_B #51@Sina #52@Shime #53@Knight #54@Pavelcho #55@Grandpa #56@NAVIBULGAR #57@Sesebi #58@Ezrail #59@Chaos Maker #60@Lucious Lyon #61@demahuM #62@Blue Beret #63@El Papito #64@Kosingas #65@itso #66@Visator #67@Patton #68@GoGu #69@Better look around #70@batto6o #71@n0fear1 #72@El_Tarlo #73@HAKAI #74@Rumple #75@MetronomE
NSKBprodemahuMCrni BombarderCrni BombarderCrni Bombarder