Publicado en United States of America - Entretenimiento y Ocio - 24 Nov 2024 21:23 - 24

1) First of all, thanks for this interview... Please introduce yourself to the readers.
i want to thank you, at least someone contact with me for interview

2) How did you register in eDominacy?
i got lots of invitation from my friends, but i came here by By Batu's preasure

and i've been tried more active when i saw Gzhn is working hard and he is alone.
cos of some reasons at erev1 ( most of players know this) i stopped playing there, and now here.
3) If you could change one thing in eDominacy. what would you change?
Game chat must be more useful. BTW most of players may spend more time at game chat each other.. when we are all here, we shouldnt need any other platforms ( discord, WP etc).
and ofc round times must be longer.
4) What is the most fun thing you did in the game? And/or most fond memory.
i always find somethings enjoy the game. Sometimes at wars, sometimes cause wars

5) You are one of Elite Player in this game, what can you say to players, how you can motivate them?
ofc i'm not Elite, only a fossil player

most of players see this game is only a war game... But lots of different modules inside game. Journalism, Politics, Economy, Strategy, etc... you always find somethings to enjoy game.
6) Who are your best friends in this game?
i always respect to players as personal, and i dont see them only as a character in game, i see as a human. cos of this i have lots of good friends here, from different countries. To me one of the best aspects of this game is being able to communicate with players from many countries at the same time.
7) Who are your best enemy(!) in this game, as hate, and why?
i had lots of at other games, who lose respect against me or my country.. for now nobody here

8) What is your opinions about eTurkiye in this game?
Gzhn really worked so hard for Turkiye from first days, and did great job. TR don't have tanks as fighter, but trying to do somethings without Tank, and at last term they did good things as bonus.
9) if you were dictator of your eCountry and could controll everything, which 3 countries would be your ally, and who will be your eEnemy...
if i'm president, i work as Dictator

10) What is your last words to players, and also to Admin?
to players; discuss, fight but always keep your respect each other. Enjoy the game

to Admin; i'm 100% sure that you are working hard for game. you cannot make all players happy, i know this from myself

KnightKnightKnightMotorinaPattonRomyRomyYutuKaronDedeSaul GoodmanMurat MonstrumSinaGuatemaladaniderdaniderdaniderWiizArDcOSHiComentarios (24)

First o/ 😁


😇 o7




Great Respect o/

I was not alone, we worked together with you, Big brother. o7



Finally someone thinking to make interview with Rimy, man make 100 for now. Good job o7

Angaranin bağlari da büklüm büklüm yollari😁 good job Romyyy o/




In ROMY we trust

Romy is the best 👌

Romy is Deadly and Deadly is Romy


varlığın yeter başkanım o7
