Publicado en Serbia - Entretenimiento y Ocio - 23 Nov 2024 10:36 - 24

MotorinaMotorinaMotorinaM E R L I NBornaXEl_TarloEl_TarloEl_TarloCrni BombarderspageNSKBproNSKBproMysteriousMindMysteriousMindMysteriousMindMysteriousMindMysteriousMindMysteriousMindAdminMysteriousMindAdminMysteriousMindMysteriousMindMysteriousMindMysteriousMindMysteriousMindMysteriousMindMysteriousMindMitar86MysteriousMindMysteriousMindMysteriousMindMysteriousMindMurat MonstrumgeometarrrgeometarrrYodaCelestialCelestialCelestialCelestialk0ldYoX1921RollerCoa5terKTZHOOD43SerbianSerbianMurkoffTopSK_o_BPeaky BlinderEL COMANDANTEEL COMANDANTESaul GoodmanbartR I OSaul GoodmanSaul GoodmanMad Polar BeareMacedonSir barbodBikkinRomyhellspawnhellspawnPentitodejan94dejan94CvetkoCvetkoArchimagusArchimagusArchimagusArchimagusArchimagusArchimagusComentarios (24)

Hahahahahaha bolesno dobro



If you really drew this, you shant be wasting your time here, but making rl geopolitical cartoons instead.
Do not waste time and talent here, use it broadly in RL

tranlate from cyrilic ЧЕКАЈ БРЕ! WAIT BRE! Bre cant be translated 

Your drawing is just incredible bro

Talent 100%

Guatemala, I was one of first Countryball comics creator back in 2009. Not THE FIRST ONE, but one of. I dont do it anymore, but, sometimes in these games I like to make something funny. Countryball community became toxic 10 years ago, so I retire from there.

Ekranizovati ovo!

One Script to rule them all, One Script to find them, One Script to bring them all and in the darkness bind them.

svaka čast

To Vokasi brate

o boze haha

Dobar o7

The north remmembers!

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