Publicado en United States of America - Entretenimiento y Ocio - 22 Nov 2024 05:12 - 8

1)Thanks for this interview Dear @Sesebi. Please introduce yourself to the readers
Thanks Romy. Hello, my name is Sebi, I'm 25yo, I'm a musician and I work as a piano dealer

2) How did you register in eDominacy?
I played erev1, where i asked for ban. But i missed some people so when this server started, i was happy to be back
3) If you could change one thing in eDominacy. what would you change?
Like most of the players, i think the best change would be to have a more balanced situation between visa and non visa players. As a non visa, it's imposible to feel important in this game.
4) What is the most fun thing you did in the game? And/or most fond memory.
The game didn't offer to much. The most fun is speaking on discord and trolling
5) You are one of Elite Player in this game, what can you say to players, how you can motivate them?
I apreciate that you didn't change this "elite". I'm far of being elite. But the best motivation is to make friends in this game. Spend more time speaking then playing.
6) Who are your best friends in this game?
I don't want to give to many names because i will feel bad if I miss somebody. But i have to name Peaky Blinder(Bart) in this game and Tankardist (the best guide if you visit Bucharest)
7) Who are your best enemy(!) in this game, as hate, and why?
I don't think we should have an enemy because of a game. We fight we argue we troll but hate is a big word. OchiReci can be in this category, but the reason is not related to the game. It's because he threatened me and my family.
8) What is your opinions about eTurkiye in this game?
You will not like that 🤣 strong country, i don't agree with this "neutrality". I'm telling you what i used to say to my mom. Be strong, be a man
9) if you were dictator of your eCountry and could controll everything, which 3 countries would be your ally, and who will be your eEnemy...
Thats an easy one Romania, Serbia and I kind if like the Indonesian way of playing. As enemy i will chose only North Macedonia. I don't trust them anymore. It's better to have them as enemy then to be betrayed
10) What is your last words to players, and also to Admin?
Have fun, make friends, the game is not important. To the admin. Try to listen to most of the players. Not just what you like
Thanks so much to Dear @Sesebi for this interview.... to be continued...

#1@Danider #2@Lesley #3@Manga #4@Gollldi #5@Batasha #6@Murat Monstrum #7@gzhn #8@harisHarko #9@The Emperor #10@Isaak Sirk0 Special Interview with@Admin #12@z1Ilyrian #13@Ragn0 #14@Sir barbod #15@OchiReci #16@Aeriuz #17@Wurtex #18@Alex95 #19@janGo #20@Gh0st #21@NSKBpro #22@Ace Economist #23@StamaT #24@CRIS 99 #25@Motorina #26@Bulito99 #27@eVokasi #28@alt pui #29@BornaX #30@Thanatos #31@cOSHi #32@elhichko #33@Jaca #34@Qurcika #35@Squanchy #36@KTZHOOD43 #37@HzSa 87 #38@Bucka #39@Bosman #40@KasvaXIII #41@ChamorroPy #42@Salah ad Din Yusuf #43@WiizArD#44@Sasuke Uchiha #45@Terrorist #46@kh4N #47@Schmidt #48@Rinum #49@Bikkin #50@K_o_B #51@Sina #52@Shime #53@Knight #54@Pavelcho #55@Grandpa #56@NAVIBULGAR
NSKBproGuatemalaLesleydaniderdaniderdaniderbartLujoPeaky BlinderComentarios (8)

Big man sesebi o7

”OchiReci can be in this category, but the reason is not related to the game. It's because he threatened me and my family.”
I dont consider you an enemy, you are a little mouse in my view, but you arent my friend also. Just to be clear, I simple avoid you and your kind, but you cant let me be. So be it!
And, lol, Sebastian you and your family are my last concern in this world. Stop involving me in your drama. o7


my BFF Sesebi. an yep he is elite player

you wont like this too
TR did any declaration about 'neutrality'? as i know no
n also, is there any war in game? as i know nope

o7. Thank you very much.
And I'm not elite but i will be 😅😅

to me you are
