Publicado en Romania - Entretenimiento y Ocio - 01 Sep 2024 10:20 - 12

Shaaggy420FERPEComentarios (12)

Humulus not long ago: I care about my Romanians, but I will do it without ever returning to Romania.

Cat e mita ? 

@Alex95, I hope you enjoy the news
Better lier+traitor instead of traitor only

@MrBogdan, o sticla de palinca buna

Humulus, tu ai zis-o, o astept!

The Hero, The Champion got back o7

Bine ai revenit, dar prost moment ti ai ales xD

Welcome back humulus o7

Gde je Asmin!? A da, Asmin je FANATIQUE !!!!


Meh… poate lași comentariile proaste la adresa românilor, acum ca te-ai intors