Thinking Out Loud

BattleHero - Periódico de Romania -

Publicado en Albania - Debates y Análisis político - 05 Aug 2024 10:46 - 22

There are rummors that among us there is a Scheming Mastermind, he's so good with words that he doesn't need a weapon to win wars, his tongue is sharp as a razor, whispering lies on peoples dms, inciting wars and planning world events for his own benefits, but his heart is filled with selfish goals. Nothing will stop him from achieving what i will present shortly.

Before giving more details about him, let's tell the background story about how i came to this conclusion.

First example: 

In the early days, when Peru was a superpower dominating South America, when Celio,JanGo and other big tanks were there, they came knocking on Serbia's door asking for the rare Steel in Uruguay region. That's when we found out about the first "secret deal" The Schemind Mastermind have done.


This was the first taste of secret deals we got, so early in the game yet so easily schemed by him. Regardless of his hidded deal which left the whole alliance exposed, Birs(Ireland), danider(Bulgaria) and me(Romania) stood strong by Serbia's side and in their defence threatened Peru with DoWs from the whole alliance.

Second example:

What is more important for him rather than allies core regions? Their capital? No. The answer is bonuses.
While Indonesia was fighting for their cores, very close to being wiped, fighting for their Capital and last regions, Check Kalimantan battle and look for any sign of help from him, or any other Indo battle, there is none..what could go on here for him to refuse to fight for his ally core? we can only guess. They were overkilling billions every round in their own battles/rws.

There are countless more examples which i might complete the article with, but let's focus on what's important here, which is: the end goal.

What could be so important for him to betray his own allies and sign secret deals?
Let me give you some clues:
- demanding Oriente(rare) from Spain before reshuffle
- demanding Northern Ireland(rare) from Bosnia after reshuffle (the same Bosnia he kicked out of Phoenix and betrayed repeatedly)
- demanding Western Siberia from Sweden
- demanding Slovenian Litoral from Croatia (giving in exchange a region that wasn't his to give, Hawaii, not secured/or under rent, sending Croatia to a warzone to fight his battles...the same Hawaii they just lost)
- Ignorning Peru and Indonesia almost getting wiped while overkilling 1-2b each round in own precious battles/rws
- Portraying adversaries as "evil" and asking everyone to dow them, to fight their war in the name of "justice" and distract everyone from his bonuses so he can keep farming.

It's all in the name of securing 4x100% of bonuses, it's understandable, right? right?

Quick recap on the masterplan:

1. Secure bonuses at all cost.
- if allies got rares, "rent/buy" them using soft power, provide false info on enemies wanting those regions and only him/Serbia can secure them.
- if enemies got rares, portray them as "evil" and make their allies start war against them, everything with the end goal of Serbia taking those regions.

2. Sign secret deals with powerful enemies
- Once he got the bonuses, he knows he's a target, using diplomacy skills and soft power, sign secret deals with powerfull enemies to not fight against eachothers in rws, even a nap if possible.

3. Target your enemies bonuses
- What's the best way to distract your enemies from fighting against you? Make your "allies" start wars against them with nothing to gain, push for wipe if possible, it's the perfect distraction for adversaries to not fight against Serbia.

4.Allies having bonuses.
- What happens when a supposed ally gets bonuses and doing good?

When "allies" are successfull and have a good income from their bonuses, he becomes "terrified" by their income and asks everyone to work their companies in Serbia so others doesn't get too powerfull.
You don't need to translate everything, what's important it's this:

Albanija ima prihode od 1200 golda što je za mene bez obzira na sve zabrinjavajuće, od sjutra mi ćemo imati bolji raspored bonusa od njih ali bih volio da imamo i vas granit za 4x100.
which translates to
Albania has an income of 1200 gold, which is terrifying for me regardless of everything, from tomorrow we will have better bonuses than them, but I would like to have you granite for 4x100.


BrisleainThe EmperorTheRedActorWurtexK R LDeflectionBatashaBatashaBatashaBatashaBatashaYodadamachenGolldi

Comentarios (22)

GG Batasha! GG 👏🏾
Natasha has been playing his allies since day 1. He never learns. This is a reason why he and I have issues. He lies and betrays people who help and support him. Romania and Ireland are prime examples in this.
Daca tu crezi ca rezolvi ceva cu articolul asta atunci esti la acelasi nivel cu OR.
Tu care luptai impotriva celor puternici..pentru cei slabi.. tu care ai onoare dar intorci spatele la adevaratele "tradari"... ce sa-ti spun tie? joaca jocul in felul tau, eu in felul meu.
Am crezut ca e ceva de capul tau, dar mistocar esti si asa vei fi toata viata ta. Cred ca ai schimbat mai multe aliante decat mine pana acum si asta zice mult despre tine. Sper sa mai am de cine rade la anul pe vremea asta. Spor la joc.
Lasa ca a facut batasha mai multe intelegeri pe ascuns decat au existat aliante in jocul asta Smile) pentru omul ala lupti, care ar vinde pe oricine pentru o regiune rara.
Lmao, cant expect anything else from the pathetic, the notorious albashka the coward.
Broadcasting private chats is not the right action and has no different from spying I do not support this article.
#myMovie CONTUNIES... И тука машината за напитки ни взе парите без да даде стоката....но, от кафенето ни върнаха кеш 2.60 евро оооуууу #филмаМи продължава
lol Sina, so if it's a secret but on private messages should stay a secret and liars should never be exposed?
whole article written because Serbia chose Humulus over romania under BH, for your info always as i said to my romanian bff, soon enough BH will sell his acc like he always do, so this article will be forgotten
it's funny to me how everyone is ignoring everything and try to blame it on something else. At least comment from your main account, peaky
🥰🥰🥰🥰 desperate housewives in their mud
try harder! Laugh
Look BH, from begining of game you are malomg some deals, putting bites , etc, like now, you put cro and bosnia in your article, peru and isak sirko also, what you dont know is all those years that you didnt played ( sold acc to luci) some eternal connections were made. and this stiring here will not change anything, ofc bris and few bulgarians will vote and support, but all of this will be forgotten when you sell your acc and stop playing and we make mpp with Romania Wink but yyeah keep good work collect infos on all players anemies and allies and make some other article before you sell your acc. Dear enemies be aware what you are telling to BH, since his loud thinking come to admins ear and some changes are made like BP changes, guess who biggest producers are, yeah you are right, Albanian accounts and Humulus, BH eternal enemies Wink damn when i type i always txpe BJ instead BH, so i must correct myself every time
i never proposed BP changes, i even enjoy double production lmao, i don't know who feeds you those lies but i do have hundreds of companies and currently enjoying dozens of k weapons per day, how else could i fight daily?
tbh donno who this bart fellow is..but he's kinda right. BH you donno, or know a bit but not much, about the Traitor UM... They fought and "bled" togheter ,ofc they will stay/play together. @Batasha,as a joke ofc, how is it like to finally be on the wining side? Kappa
PM for screenshoots, really Wink
yeah, because someone reported the article and apparently i can't use them.
For sure he didnt twist eCro arm to give region they need, there was normal talk and no demanding...
This habbit of Batasha from SRB reminds me of Stevan also from SRB on srv2... hmmm... same bonus drawling and coward NAP making behind closed doors with enemies ... In conclusion same shitface behind both nicks or maybe SRB have same way of operating in these games...