Publicado en Indonesia - Entretenimiento y Ocio - 05 Aug 2024 01:07 - 21
Hello, nice to meet you all
This is just a simple article about my experience when playing eDomanicy for around 19 days
I was born on this eWorld at day 112 (18th July 2024)
At my 1st day, its so hard for me to get some engagement for this game, I can't even complete daily quest more so weekly quest since the price for weapon are too expensive for new player. We only get 40cc.
I tried to check wiki and the article made by admin, bit its too overwhelming, I am not the sharpest tool in the shade you know. Thats when Jack Rafflesia reach out to me, and invited me to discord server.
I learnt so many things, knowing new peoples who play this same game, most of them are very nice, even tho we are at war, they still kindly teach me about how things work in the game.
When I goes to the battlefield, I got confuse at first, why someone who only have lvl 50 can hit more than someone who are lvl 100. Thats when i learnt about str/int.
There is so much things that i want to share later when i have a proper time to write better article.
I just want to address some peoples who helps a lot in this game
My respect to all of you who read this without exception o7
This is just a simple article about my experience when playing eDomanicy for around 19 days
I was born on this eWorld at day 112 (18th July 2024)
At my 1st day, its so hard for me to get some engagement for this game, I can't even complete daily quest more so weekly quest since the price for weapon are too expensive for new player. We only get 40cc.
I tried to check wiki and the article made by admin, bit its too overwhelming, I am not the sharpest tool in the shade you know. Thats when Jack Rafflesia reach out to me, and invited me to discord server.
I learnt so many things, knowing new peoples who play this same game, most of them are very nice, even tho we are at war, they still kindly teach me about how things work in the game.
When I goes to the battlefield, I got confuse at first, why someone who only have lvl 50 can hit more than someone who are lvl 100. Thats when i learnt about str/int.
There is so much things that i want to share later when i have a proper time to write better article.
I just want to address some peoples who helps a lot in this game
- Jack Rafflesia - thank you for helping me the most, and teach me about almost everything in this game, gave me supplies for daily quest and support me to get my 1st medal
- Xaqaparwa - thank you for that golds and help me expand my storage, and pls dont die from overwork
- Nezuko - *spits*....jk lol, thank you so much my friend for helping me with supplies and never ask anything back
- No one see - thank you for teaching me about war tactic and how to managing my supplies
- Virtus - Mate, we born on the same day, please increase your levels haha
- DarkBlack - thank you for all your support, without you, i wont get the no.1 medal for damage category 1
- TheRedActors - thank you for make me open my mind, and teach me about journalist, I will wait for you next tutorial
- AstaFlux - thank you for helping me when i need house pack and tanks
- Javier, Gin, Nomikomu, RedWing, DjOnes, and many others brother in arms who always come together to fight with me
- Special thanks to our allies who never complain about how much damage i dealt, I feels welcomed even tho my damages are too little at that time, you guys saying Thank You are worth a lot at that time
- Lastly Admin, thank you for creating this game and make me meets all these guys
My respect to all of you who read this without exception o7
VirtusxaqaparwaJack RafflesiaXmDBrrrNebra007NSKBproSaferiDragonQin Shi HuangTheRedActorTheRedActorTheRedActorTheRedActorAstaFluXS4BIEmergency FoodAhileusGolldiComentarios (21)

I will learn how to insert picture later lol o7

Ngeri o7

Sepuh o7

puh ajarin dong puh

ane numpang aja deh

Good luck, hail Indonesia! o7


Good bro, have a Nice XP here o7

О о7

Keep playing and growing. Enemy is one thing, but friends are everything o7

You got my respect o7

Thank you for all this supports seniors o7


Welcome to game. o7

o7 Welcome man! Lmk if you need anything (:

Welcome o7

Thank you so much @Ahileus, @Overseer, and @Lesley o7