Imperial News

Safer - Periódico de Germany -

Publicado en Germany - Debates y Análisis político - 01 Aug 2024 09:34 - 23



Comentarios (23)

Fu.k with negotiations!
It's time to speak,great work phoenix!!
You are 3 months too late. Economy is dead and the game will follow in a few weeks. Mostly due to your actions as an alliance and a few individual countries. I dismantled PB because it would have led to this exact problem. Some people are smarter than others, this just proves that notion.
If you think economy is dead because of NAPs or breaks. You have no idea since you are a Visa. When gold is such a rare resource, no matter if there was each nation on its own at war, people wouldnt buy much more guns asside VISAs or countries directly some. Dont blame politics for a core game problem. Aditionally, if you claim the game was better when some other countries had 4x100 instead of the ones YOU personally like, and there was peace. That just shows how insanely biased you are. Enjoy you deffeat and move on, stop spreading spiteful nonsense Cheeky
Argue with a wall.
I am it seems, its called Papa Bris in Bulgarian :>
I am going to disband my account , waiting 5 to finish actual gov. As time a man can buy unlimited packs for vassals is useless to continue. we can fight a lot, bring friends ingame but for what reason? Simply someone buy few more packs and that's all. For Admin maybe is brilliant and for vassals perhaps, but for great majority don't. Is not Phoenix guilt, or BRIS or whatever, is about unjustice and greed. Simply the Phoenix side have more and bigger VISA's. So i have no reason to stay, i am sorry i put little money in this game. I will take the advice of Admin and take a break , he have right, who do not like can leave. And never come in this kind of games. "Their money, their game". -- this is the motto Enjoy!
We have had 90 days pf 4 x 100 bonuses that is true. We paid our dues for it both with fight, with reparations, rents and all that goes with it. But it is a lie that we wanted more (I don't know what you had envisioned), but it's very easily verifiable that we were going only for 1 x 100 bonus and we were fighting for the same to be achieved by Turkey and Romania - bringing our side to 3x100% and rest of 5 rares to go for your side as a stronger one and with more people. After that I had proposed to Shayan an idea for a temporal global peace in which the rares to be fairly distributed among different countries in the both sides. Call that was left withiout answer and consideration. Now you will reap what you have sowed in the game. Because Phoenix lifecycle should've been long overdue, following the example of Parabellum. And yet now after your days of discussions and decision, you still didn't manage to find the balls to disband this monstrosity. So enjoy your game and whatever it will turn into.
@Danider First of all, any negotiations that are not made with me present and by me as alliance leader have no power and no meaning other than pure discussion. Maybe instead of being emotional and blocking people you should have spoke to the right people. Aditionally, you wanted 1x 100% bonus? You know how you get that? You send a message for rent. You dont invasion war a country and then cry because everyone came to defend them. You never tried any diplomacy for any resource shuffle with us and you prefered war, well war is what you got. Yet still we are reaching out again even after deffeat to short things out and allow the game to progress.
“The pen is mightier than than sword” is something fragile egos of Dandy boy and crying Bris will never understand. The moment things don’t go their way, they throw temper tantrum and boycott the game, blaming everyone but themselves. Safer and Phoenix outwitted and used diplomacy against the infamous duo who should’ve been nothing more than farmers, let alone alliance leaders. Countries like Bulgaria are a hostage of individuals like Dandy boy and the moment ordinary people of opposing alliance see through, everyone will be better off.
There were no bigger font?
One big question: If no one wanna fight Phoenix, then what's the point of this game? The word of "give a chance to a diplomacy" is ridiculous. All of you wanna wipe some countries? Just go on. Yea yea, you all good, a majesty, big player, great, all hail to you. Wanna me to kneel at you? Of I will do. What else do you want to confirm you're the greatest?
@Vasil We dont want anyone to kneel to anyone, this is a call for constructive talks and diplomacy to move ahead with the game. On a sidenote, Bulgaria's denial of ending the wars officiall two times in a row and leaving all their allies in deep trouble after a while is the only reason Phoenix is still standing strong. Aditionally why would keep any nation wiped? Same way we wouldn't want to stay wiped in a lost war, we are not afraid or we consider shamefull to have a good talk and negotiate peace.
@Safer, because albania+phoenix is overpower, because im in albania myself so i can tell. ending the war, force bulgaria to "accept" defeat and then offering negotiate is not going to solve as long this overpower alliance still standing. We can debate about "unbalance" damage and never get to reach the end while the game will be dead if we dont do anything about this alliance.
Bris=Harry Keane
@DarkBlack, If Bulgary dont make the NAP, it is probably Phoenix wont disband, feeling fear from BG, so maybe its need to sign it to disband later. Also, I am sure, that was balance war just not enough organisation in 1 side.
So what's the plan, NAP the few countries that still dared to resist Phoenix hegemony and make them not fight against your precious rare regions? 8/8 rares and complete domination over the game in terms of regions/population is not enough for your "side" and will never be. I know Phoenix will not be disbanded, you enjoy playing your farmville game way too much. It's just funny to me how many top tanks on Phoenix side said they will always fight the most powerful country in the game(which is not Bulgaria anymore) and be on the weaker side, how quickly they forgot that.
I can laugh all day long just by read this comment section hahaha
In my opinion they lost and the game is over, now we can leave the game with victory and if someone is upset, can leave with tears, we are happy with our bonuses Wink I am against negotiating with people who don't know how to talk, how to talk without offending, negotiation is for those who know the culture of negotiation