Thinking Out Loud

BattleHero - Periódico de Romania -

Publicado en Bulgaria - Entretenimiento y Ocio - 20 Jul 2024 04:38 - 46

Following the success of the first article Ideas to improve the game, here comes part 2.

1. RW system.

-There are acusations from both sides of the conflict for using "scripts" to open rws, some players always succeding in opening rws with crazy accuracy even if dozens of other players are trying.
If scripts are such a big problem, why not change the system and make it more interactive for all players, maybe even luck-based, here is an idea:
Any player can press "start" a resistance war when there is one minute left on the timer.
5 players are trying to open rw in region one, and 5 other players are trying to open rw in region two.
When timer runs out, each player have a 10% chance to open the rw and gold will be deducted only from the "lucky player". 5 is just an example, it could be 100 on each side, and the % adjustable based on the numbers of players.
This way mobilising more players to start a rw would be crucial, driving community engagement higher, but also provide a fair chance to the opposing side even if they have less players available.

- Proposal by Der Komissar:
It should be decided by conquered countries which conqueror they open RW against, just like in real life. It would give more sense of political debates/works in this game.

2. Redesign Fighting options

-This idea is from the first article and i need to mention it again.
Using Hyper Bars while fighting is a real pain, we need to click on it from weapons selection, fill the bar then select the weapons again, losing precious time in last minutes/seconds of an important fight.
It makes sense for all "energy" items (eb/hb/hospital/lifekits) to be on the left, selectable through a button.

3. Missiles damage

-250 Tanks q5 + 250 Ships q5 are needed to produce 2x Missiles q5.
If we use the 500 weapons with a booster, most players can deal between 30 to 50m
While 2x missiles q5 = 1.5m, even an empty hit is stronger than that.
I completely understand how powerful they are in the last seconds if used in high numbers, but the damage needs to be buffed at least to 1.5-2m per missile, or lower the required amount for producing missiles
*Nukes are also becoming obsolete, a slight increase in damage wouldn't hurt

4. Different Themes

-We had the same layout and colors for many,many years. I(we) understand that a complete redesign takes time and it's costly, but could we have at least a few different color themes to pick from, selectable background, etc, at least to change the scene once in a while.
I'm a big "dark mode" fan and i think a black and white/silver theme would look beautiful.

5."Notify" inactive citizens

-Give the ability to CP to notify inactive citizens with a custom message to bring them back in the game. 
The notified citizen will receive an email that their countrymens need them plus the custom message. It should be usable once per month to avoid spamming/blacklist of email server.
It could be extended to players notifiying their inactive referals also.
Automatic emails sent by the game after 30 days of inactivity would also do wonders.
Email marketing/notifications play a big role in every game/business and i'm surprised to see that it's not used at all, the email database should be huge, make proper use of it.

6. Idea from humulus
-I would like every person to be able to know who brought him into the game. So in the store should be an information like: "You have been invited by humulus to this game. He gets rewards when you buy packs from the Store or when you level up."

7. Tax refund law

-Allow congressman to propose a law for tax refund on building/upgrading companies, like:
Citizens tax refund 100%
Foreigners tax refund 90%
It's already happening in the game manually, making it automatic would save everyone precious time
*could be controversial but useful

I will complete the article with your ideas (giving credits), feel free to write them in the comments.



Comentarios (46)

Good ideas but i got to say Der Komissar is not using any scripts, and when implemented his ways in eRev i was Quite successful even against bunch of Romanians. You can ask to see him on live to stream and prove. But do not put guilt on someone who is just good at his job.
i didn't said he is using scripts, i said there are acusations
Yes, exactly what we need!
6. I would like every person to be able to know who brought him into the game. So in the store should be an information like: "You have been invited by humulus to this game. He gets rewards when you buy packs from the Store or when you level up."
I support these proposals
2, 4 and 5 is good idea 😀
Wanna change the RW system because you guys can't keep up with Der Komissar? Wow
Point one deosn't not make any sense. Everyone should have the same chance. That can be used by strong and active countries to open RW in regions with low influence. So its a stupidity what you propose. Points 3 doesn't make any sense because admin said we will not increase missles dmg. Also this proposal doesn't have anything to do with the f2p because they even not have the building at level 5 and it will increase more the dmg difference between them and visa players.
Strategic Weapon building is useless at this point, there are 2 suggestions, not only buffing the damage, lowering the amount needed to "build" 2 missiles is also there.
For point 5, The admin can't use the email database for marketing and notifications push without giving the user a way to approve/deapprove that from Settings. So before having this feature, are some steps before the admin needs to do.
Good proposal
@humulus he can use the database for marketing Smile don’t talk about what u don’t know
Support Comments (1) elhichko 20 Jul 2024 03:33 Enjoy catarday, Sia! Your comment 2000 characters Post a comment
For improving strategy. A country capital have ds5 activated by default forever. But if it loose the capital it loosa All Colonies instantly
"unsubscribe" button on all the emails sent is enough, as long as there is an "opt-out" option it's not considered spam
@STankardist, he can't because dont have a way to unsubscribe. I know better then you this things. So stop talking with me on this subject
In general the information (e-mail) we collect may be used to: - respond to your requests, - measure analytics; - and manage and improve the services available on eDominacy I dont see anything to match with what Hero proposed. So they had to enhance this section, and once they do that, they need to have a mechanism for reconfirmation. The initial confirmation is based on the agreement when you created your account.
OFC i support this article! Good game, BH! o7
hero mixing good proposals with other shit which doesnt work for him like the RW system and ruining the whole article nothing new Laugh
And about point 1 I strongly agree. Not any people have strong internet connection an a good ping, and even use a proxy or VPN to be close to the game server(s). Milliseconds count here and is very unfair for lot of players. I have captcha disabled and tried to open many times at 0:00, or 0.01 whatever, sinchronize the computer with Greenwich meantime and cannot succed 20 times. So is more than that. How much skilled to be 1 player to open almost all important rw all the time? This cannot be done human speaking. Is imperative a new rw sistem
@Kaveh at least i'm doing something rather than always crying. complaining and trashtalking like you do.
yes it is all a cri about that you cant open RWs right?
BH: No, You did not said I cheat You said others say I cheat, and then people do not care about who said what, they just think about the fact You suggested here: Der Kommissar is cheating. Recurring method of the mainstream (brainwashing) media. Also, some lines later You state "If scripts are such a big problem..", which is not even a suggestion, it is a clear accusation. And your first proposal for RW opening, surprisingly, helps your side. You describe it is as a fair change, but how is something fair if that happens in the favour of some people/country/anything? Since Admins still not sent me any OFFICIAL DOCUMENT(s) that CLEARLY shows how I use sc r ipt, that first proposal has no any raison d'etre, but dirtying Me. Anyway, I also have a proposal for RW opening: It should be decided by conquered countries which conqueror they open RW against, just like in real life. It would give more sense of political debates/works in this game. What about dead countries? If Admins may do real marketing...and I stop here because they never will Smile
@Der Kommissar if you have a better sugestion on how could i write it better without accusing you, feel free to tell me and i will edit it, and yes, i do think it's a more balanced way where everyone has a chance in opening rws, not just the "fast fingers" or ppl using scripts
@Der Kommissar he is a big cri baby hiding behind nice words only, dont even mind him you can judge from endorses and comments on his article how much he thinks about the whole damn community and not only his own interests Laugh
Okay Joe Biden
The problem is not how You write it, the problem You write the situation in detail. If You write something like many people don't like current method of RW opening and I have proposal for it...then there is nothing problem with that. Also, your proposal is unfair, you can pack it in nice words. In a race You dont share cookies to the last ones, and the battlefields are races, You win or You lose. That's why my proposal is the most fair, but without marketing that is impracticable.
Alright, i removed your name completely and used "some players", i thought about mentioning you because of your last article
Good idea, support o7
@Der Kommissar, maybe game shouldnt put so much weight in 1 click that's done in 1 second, rather than the overall game. RW openings have disproportional control over how the game is played.
Well, the problem is still that with your first proposal that You ask for a change which is clearly better for your side. Instead of thinking about how could I be better? This is the easiest way for You, and your side, instead of improving. Just like in rl most of the people do: excuses and looking for easiest/laziest ways, instead of improving.
aenfear: I can say the same I said to BH, my proposal is a perfect solution for this problem in a living, prolific and fruitful game. This game isn't that. If You figure out a decent solution for this game, share here.
I was just trying to find a good way to balance the rw system, i am open to new ideas and i will endorse them fully if they are good for the game, your idea is great also. This is not about sides, as Phoenix have more ppl than our side, it's about giving a fair chance to everyone to open rw
Agreed. Heres another wild idea - limit the energy packs before you bury the game for good.
I think that once a RW for a region has been won, it should be impossible to start there again the next time the timer is off. The problem then is that some countries have more regions than others. That's another problem I have with the game tbh, countries should have uniform number of regions ( it follows RL, but still there should be some balance) . I am unsure how it can be done in a way not 1 side to scream bloody murder. Another thing I was thinking was a way to pay premium to start it where you wanted, something I guess admin would love. It's not like this doesn't follow RL where foreign countries would invest weapons in a region to support resistance battles.
Anyway, when I had great "clicking battles" on erev1 some years ago, and I failed to have 80%+ efficiency, I always started to think about how could I improve my method, to be better. If I used a scri pt then I would be at 100%. The RW in Free State, where that epic battle has taken place yesterday, was started by Humulus. That evening (Thursday) we attempted to open 3 RW's in a short period, and Humulus started two of them.
if the roles would be reversed and our side would start 80-90% of rws you would want some kind of balance also. I'm up for any fair proposal where everyone can have a chance.
Good ideas. First one is a bit unnecessary tho. I support o7
@aenfear, I do not understand properly everything You tell, but I agree on the topic of balance. It should be harder to conquer regions, and even harder to delete any countries in-game. We sadly can see in rl, how hard it is to conquer even some villages, in a war of David and Goliat (David mostly gets weapons with old technique). Also, we just travel here, and there, and then over there, to fight. That should not be allowed this way. If You travel to a region to fight, Your personal dmg should be lowered with some percentage of your basic dmg. Example to 50%, You get back 10% each day You keep fighting in battles whiches are available in that region. If you travel again and fight in a battle in that new region, that it starts over from 50%. RW also great example, it mostly should be allowed for involved citizens only. If some country involves directly with fight (not only with supplies), then dmg of all citizens of that country should be lowered with some percentage of their basic dmg. So if You travel into a region to help a resistance, then your dmg should be lowered with 50%+some percentage because of the RW. Just like in rl, it's easy to give supplies your official or unofficial allies, but it is very hard to help them to win the whole war.
...And there should be many other factors that change your dmg, in negative and positive way, too. Your basic dmg should be 100% only if You are in your Home country, and hit for your country.
Orgs as well
Change the window title to show the timer, so that we can see how much time is left even if we havent focused on that tab - can help with multiple battles we have opened and do sth else.
I have been crying about No 7 in every game, it's a manual labor that can so easily be programmed to work automatically
Summary of articles and suggestions from the opposite side: Admin, please change all the algorithms that are against Romania and Bulgaria. Opposite side articles in the future: Admin, please add the Russian Roulette event to ban the opposite side accounts or ban their accounts randomly or by lottery Its really embarrassing...