Sasha file din poveste

Ucuitoru - Periódico de Romania -

Publicado en Romania - Primeros pasos en eDominacy - 19 Jul 2024 10:23 - 16

Suntem intr-un joc, in care conteaza buna dezvoltare a tuturor cetatenilor unei tari, asa ca vreau sa fac un mic concurs soldat cu un Giveaway. Astfel, pun la bataie 28 case Q2 si 29 case Q1 (ramase pe stoc de la finalul episodului trecut) care vor ajuta 15 eCetateni sa creasca mai repede. Deoarece vreau sa ii ajut pe cei mai mici sa creasca, mai jos aveti si regulamentul acestui concurs.

Regulament de participare:

  1. Sa fii cetatean eRoman;

  2. Sa fii minim lvl 21 (adica ai inceput jocul, ai dat niste click-uri, ai luptat in cateva batalii, ai fost perseverent cateva zile si vrei sa continui);

  3. Ai lasat un comment cu experienta pe care o ai in acest moment. O gasesti la Community - Rankings - Citizens, sau direct pe pagina personala de profil. O sa o verific personal si o sa o validez.

Durata concursului: 48 de ore de la publicarea articolului. Adica pe data de 21.07.2024. ora 20:00, voi inchide concursul si voi posta un comment la acest articol, cu lista castigatorilor in functie de experienta pe care au avut-o la momentul inscrierii.

Cine vor fi castigatorii celor 15 case?

Top 15 il voi face in ordine crescatoare, de la experienta cea mai mica pana la experienta cea mai mare in joc (luata din lista de Rankings - Experience Points), astfel:

Locul 1 - 1 casa Q1+ 1 casa Q2;  (cel care va avea cea mai mica experienta in joc)
Locul 2 - 1 casa Q1+ 1 casa Q2;
Locul 3 - 1 casa Q1+ 1 casa Q2;
Locul 4 - 1 casa Q1+ 1 casa Q2;
Locul 5 - 1 casa Q1+ 1 casa Q2;
Locul 6 - 1 casa Q1+ 1 casa Q2;  
Locul 7 - 1 casa Q1+ 1 casa Q2;
Locul 8 - 1 casa Q1+ 1 casa Q2;   
Locul 9 - 1 casa Q1+ 1 casa Q2;
Locul 10 - 1 casa Q1+ 1 casa Q2;
Locul 11 - 1 casa Q1;
Locul 12 - 1 casa Q1;
Locul 13 - 1 casa Q1;
Locul 14 - 1 casa Q1;
Locul 15 - 1 casa Q1;  (cel care va avea cea mai mare experienta dintre cei mai mici jucatori inscrisi)

Astfel, ii voi ajuta pe cei mai mici dintre noi, la sfarsitul concursului. Daca de exemplu se vor inscrie 20 de persoane, vor fi premiati cei mai slabi cotati ca experienta de la data si ora inscrierii.

Pentru ca cei mici sa creasca mai repede!

Pana data viitoare, va salut si va doresc o seara cat mai linistita!

Bilant la inceput de sezon 2 - ep 6: 28 case Q2 si 29 case Q1.

English version:

We are in a game, in which the good development of all the citizens of a country matters, so I want to make a small contest with a Giveaway.Thus, I am putting up for auction 28 Q2 houses and 29 Q1 houses (left over from the end of the last episode) that will help 15 eCitizens grow faster. Because I want to help the little ones to grow, below are the rules of this contest.

Participation rules:

  1. To be an eRoman citizen;

  2. Be at least lvl 21 (that is, you started the game, clicked a few times, fought in a few battles, persevered for a few days and want to continue);

  3. You left a comment with your current experience. You can find it at Community - Rankings - Citizens, or directly on your personal profile page. I will check it personally and validate it.

Duration of the contest: 48 hours from the publication of the article. That is, on 21.07.2024. at 20:00, I will close the contest and post a comment on this article, with the list of winners according to the experience they had at the time of registration.

Who will be the winners of the 15 houses?

I will make the Top 15 in ascending order, from the lowest experience to the highest experience in the game (taken from the list of Rankings - Experience Points), as follows:

1st place - 1 house Q1+ 1 house Q2; (the one who will have the least experience in the game)
2nd place - 1 house Q1+ 1 house Q2;
3rd place - 1 house Q1+ 1 house Q2;
4th place - 1 house Q1+ 1 house Q2;
5th place - 1 house Q1+ 1 house Q2;
6th place - 1 house Q1+ 1 house Q2;
7th place - 1 house Q1+ 1 house Q2;
8th place - 1 house Q1+ 1 house Q2;
9th place - 1 house Q1+ 1 house Q2;
10th place - 1 house Q1+ 1 house Q2;
11th place - 1st house Q1;
12th place - 1st house Q1;
13th place - 1st house Q1;
14th place - 1st house Q1;
15th place - 1st house Q1; (the one who will have the most experience among the youngest registered players)

Thus, I will help the smallest among us, at the end of the contest. If, for example, 20 people will register, the lowest rated experience from the date and time of registration will be awarded.

So that the little ones grow up faster!

Until next time, I greet you and wish you a peaceful evening!
-------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -

Balance at the beginning of season 2 - ep 6: 28 houses Q2 and 29 houses Q1.

Castigatori, seria2, episodul6:

Locul 1:   Okelar   1 casa Q1+ 1 casa Q2;
Locul 2:   Lucifer0000    1 casa Q1+ 1 casa Q2;
Locul 3:   damachen
   1 casa Q1+ 1 casa Q2;
Locul 4:  GiovaniLM   1 casa Q1+ 1 casa Q2;
Locul 5:   MrBogdan   1 casa Q1+ 1 casa Q2;
Locul 6:   Cocosatu   1 casa Q1+ 1 casa Q2;
Locul 7:  Totolozu    1 casa Q1+ 1 casa Q2;
Locul 8:   Myky     1 casa Q1+ 1 casa Q2;
Locul 9:   He did it    1 casa Q1+ 1 casa Q2;
Locul 10:   MrCuli95  1 casa Q1+ 1 casa Q2;
Locul 11:   scipio africanul   1 casa Q1;

Locul 12:   AronStone   1 casa Q1.

Bilant la sfarsit de sezon 2 - ep 6: 18 case Q2 si 17 case Q1.


He did itOchiReciJagas

Comentarios (16)

o7 - 157,723
o7 xp 264,683
322 686
210.159. o7
155,080 o7
201.904 o7
Salut. 279,563
Donat la toti inafara de Totolozu si He did aveau loc in depozit. Mai incerc si zilele urmatoare pana gasesc 2 locuri libere in depozitele lor sa le donez cele 2 case Smile