
Chaos Maker - Periódico de Georgia -

Publicado en Bulgaria - Debates y Análisis político - 18 Jul 2024 13:09 - 9

Tired of watching big powers oppress your country? They are taking over the regions of your state... It's time to answer for the crimes they committed!!!! I am creating a "communist" party where we invite all of you who are oppressed to break the legs of our enemies and make their mothers cry. History begins with Georgia and will end with the return of all those countries that were oppressed by injustice, we will be one big state. Karl Marx once said that we will be strong when we build a palace from the shit.  And indeed, let us work together, train, fight and restore the lost dignity that the enemy stole from us.
Always remember there is strength in unity!!!

What does the Communist Party offer?
1. 1000 qfood for every sitizens
2. Revenues from the budget will be distributed equally to citizens
3. 100 q5 navy everyday 
4. kneeling enemies,  and our strongest state

This is just the beginning as we gather strength and grow the prizes will increase, nominations will be made and many awards will be raffled off for our honorable citizens. 
so I offer equality and justice, a decent life, the main thing is to believe in our victory! 
Let's defeat these stupid liberals,   political party will be formed in 1 week, for more  details come to private, when the party is established, we will begin to liberate the territories
party link



Comentarios (9)

Long love communism! Hail Marx
fuck the communism
You are late. We have it in Serbia sunce begining 🫡😂 Good old communism o7
And the great famine begins.
Dead Karl Marx...Hail Adam Smith
Fun for those in power. Rip for the working class
ვქმნი პარტიას, სტალინი და მეოცე საუკუნე, ამას ვაკეთებ იმისათვის რომ თქვენ მოგიტყნათ დედისტრაკი