Publicado en United States of America - Negocios y Finanzas - 15 Jul 2024 13:08 - 13
Hello eWorld,
We were more than successful during period of discounts on TCs and special items ( hospitals) which we provided to the most active players in United States of America.
I would like to thank to everyone for your donations through support on my previous article and expecially I would like to thank to our anonymous donor ( he don’t want to be mentioned in article) who donated 380 gold.
Thank you, thank you! 🫶🏻
Batasha 25cc
demaHum 25cc
cOSHi 5cc
Overseer 25cc
Chaos Maker 300cc
HzSa 87 25cc
BattleHero 25cc
leeryan 25cc
Lucious Lyon 40cc
Boomerdude 50cc
Jagas 25cc
harisHarko 25cc
Wurtex 5cc
Dormillon 50cc
Total donations in CC- 650 (cc 40g)
Anonymous donor 380,00 g
Lesley 1 250,00g
= 1 670,0 g
Donated to:
VasiL 223,5g (hospitals q2 and q3)
Knight 184g (TC q5)
FlyingCondor 149,5g (hospital q3)
AMHS 375g (TC q3 and q4)
GoGu 478,5g (hospitals q2-q3, TC q3-q4)
leeryan 254,5g (hospital q3, TC q3)
= 1 665,50g
Congratulations to all players who were rewarded for their activity.
Citizens, be active with us because on next discount we’ll choose again people which we will help with TC and hospitals.
Hail USA!
CP of USA, Lesley
We were more than successful during period of discounts on TCs and special items ( hospitals) which we provided to the most active players in United States of America.
I would like to thank to everyone for your donations through support on my previous article and expecially I would like to thank to our anonymous donor ( he don’t want to be mentioned in article) who donated 380 gold.
Thank you, thank you! 🫶🏻
Batasha 25cc
demaHum 25cc
cOSHi 5cc
Overseer 25cc
Chaos Maker 300cc
HzSa 87 25cc
BattleHero 25cc
leeryan 25cc
Lucious Lyon 40cc
Boomerdude 50cc
Jagas 25cc
harisHarko 25cc
Wurtex 5cc
Dormillon 50cc
Total donations in CC- 650 (cc 40g)
Anonymous donor 380,00 g
Lesley 1 250,00g
= 1 670,0 g
Donated to:
VasiL 223,5g (hospitals q2 and q3)
Knight 184g (TC q5)
FlyingCondor 149,5g (hospital q3)
AMHS 375g (TC q3 and q4)
GoGu 478,5g (hospitals q2-q3, TC q3-q4)
leeryan 254,5g (hospital q3, TC q3)
= 1 665,50g
Congratulations to all players who were rewarded for their activity.
Citizens, be active with us because on next discount we’ll choose again people which we will help with TC and hospitals.
Hail USA!
CP of USA, Lesley
RollerCoa5terBatashacOSHiBulito99Bulito99Bulito99Bulito99Bulito99Bulito99Bulito99Bulito99Bulito99Bulito99Bulito99RinumRinumGovernadorleeryanGoGuOverseerOverseerdemahuMdemahuMdemahuMdemahuMDeadlyNebra007Murat MonstrumLordSun3JagasJagasComentarios (13)

bravo o7


good job guys

Investing in your people is the most rewarding thing o7 Good Job!!


o7 Lesley! ❤️❤️❤️

que buen lavado de dinero negro

Give me a single screenshot where we call you thief, what you did was wrong and it wasn't funny at all, as you call it, that's why you lost our trust. plus this gold was donated by government members to the treasury. If you have any other problems, you know my discord

Hail USA O7

son prestamos o regalos?