Sasha file din poveste

Ucuitoru - Periódico de Romania -

Publicado en Romania - Entretenimiento y Ocio - 15 Jul 2024 12:43 - 4

Sasha TD la taste! HAM!

Ferite-ar Mos Craciun, tata!!! Iar m-ai lasat la gradinita si nu m-ai dus in muntii mei preferati!. Macar la Casa Bijou-vila Bijou puteam si eu sa stau, exact cum am stat la 41 de grade in Baia Mare. Data viitoare, ma duci la Borsa!!! Am zis, am zis!

Iar weekend, iar tata m-a lasa pentru haremul lui. Macar de data asta  m-am consolat ca nu a fost nici o surioara de a mea. Oricum mi-e dor de Luna, Iza si Leya!

Ca de obicei in orice zi, vineri dimineata m-a dus tata la gradi' suspectat eu ceva, ca i-am vazut rucsacul facut (sau cum zice Nepoata...ghiozdanul). Si surpriza! Nu a mai venit dupa mine, a plecat direct la Borsa!

O parte din haremul lui tata, a venit si l-a rapit, exact dupa munca! Nici nu a apucat sa vina sa ma pupe. Of, of!

Din ce mi-a povestit tata, a fost de vis! Bucuros, alaturi de cadanele lui, au incins un chef pana aproape de ora plecarii in drumetie. Sa ne intelegem, Isus ii vede si ii protejeaza pe muntomani! Laugh Asa ca nu s-a luat curentul si le-a sunat ceasurile. Dis de dimineata, tata s-a sincronizat cu alte doua prospaturi care vor sa intre in harem si s-au intalnit la punctul de pornire.

Eu niciodata nu am inteles cuvantul asta..."prospatura"... adica fix acum imi deschizi punga cu Dentastix si imi dai un e prospatura? De ce prospaturile nu au acces imediat in harem? De ce daca sunt bune, trebuie sa treaca niste teste? Tata si regulile lui... 16

Si au pornit ei in calatoria lor din saua Stiol, spre saua Gargalau vf, Gatalutui si vf. Puzdrele, dus intors. Trei varfuri bifate, 2 prospaturi in trupa lui tata. Normal ca haremul s-a revoltat de posibila concurenta. Noroc ca tata, le-a obosit pe toate sa nu poarte ranchiuna una fata de alta. Haremul e fericit, prospaturile au zis ca mai vin. Vom rog, tata o sa vada. 16

Tata mi-a zis ca a incercat sa faca o copie a treseului de anul trecut, cu fratele lui negru. Fiind cu haremul si cu prospaturile, l-au facut comod pentru toata lumea. Chiar daca maxima a fost de 21 de grade, toti s-au bronzat ca si niste adevarati posesori de John Deere. L-au scurtat la 25.6, km dus-intors si doar 9 ore de drumetie.

Au inceput weekend-urile alea cand lumea se plange de caldura si muntomanii lui tata urca la racoare si la bifat alte varfuri.

Sincer, imi e dor de Casa Bijou-vila Bijou! Sper ca data viitoare sa fiu si eu prezenta!

Pana data viitoare, va pup scurt pe botic!

English version Smile  

Sasha TD on keys! HAM!
Happy Santa Claus, Dad!!! And you left me at kindergarten and didn't take me to my favorite mountains!. At least I could stay at Casa Bijou-villa Bijou, just like I stayed at 41 degrees in Baia Mare. Next time, take me to Borsa!!! I said, I said!

And the weekend, and my father left me for his harem. At least this time I consoled myself that there was no sister of mine. Anyway, I miss Luna, Iza and Leya!

As usual on any day, on Friday morning my father took me to the kindergarten...I suspected something, because I saw his backpack (or as the Granddaughter says...the satchel). And the surprise! He didn't come after me anymore, he went straight to Borsa!

Part of my father's harem came and kidnapped him, right after work! He didn't even get to come and kiss me. Of of!
From what my father told me, it was like a dream! Happily, together with his cadences, they fired up a mood until almost the time of departure for the hike. Let's understand each other, Jesus sees and protects the mountaineers!So the electricity didn't go off and their clocks rang. Early in the morning, father synchronized with two other freshmen who want to enter the harem and they met at the starting point.

I've never understood this word..."freshness"... I mean right now you open my bag of Dentastix and give me a stick... isn't that freshness? Why don't freshmen have immediate access to the harem? Why, if they are good, do they have to pass some tests? Dad and his rules...

And they set off on their journey from Stiol saddle, towards Gargalau saddle, Gatalutui and saddle. The powders, taken back. Three ticked tops, 2 freshmen in dad's band. Naturally, the harem revolted at the possible competition. Lucky as a father, he tired them all not to hold a grudge against each other. The harem is happy, the freshmen said they will come again. We'll see...please, dad will see.

Dad told me that he tried to make a copy of last year's tresse, with his black brother. Being with the harem and the refreshments, they made it comfortable for everyone. Even though the maximum was 21 degrees, everyone tanned like real John Deere owners. They shortened it to 25.6 km round trip and only 9 hours of hiking.

Those weekends have begun when people complain about the heat and my father's mountaineers climb to cool off and tick off other peaks.

Honestly, I miss Casa Bijou-villa Bijou! I hope that I will be present next time!

Until next time, a short kiss on the nose!




Comentarios (4)

Data viitoare, daca nu te duce la Borsa, poate dai un semn si mai bine bem o bere rece, decat sa stam amandoi in Baia Mare la 41 de grade. Mai bine bem ceva de 52 de grade, la rece... Smile
🤣 De unde ești, Myky?
Baia Mare
Super, inseamna ca ne vedem la o bere! Laugh