Publicado en Indonesia - Entretenimiento y Ocio - 04 Jul 2024 06:11 - 0
INA Version
Selamat Malam Warga eIndonesia

1. Berita Dalam Negeri
2. Berita Luar Negeri
ENG Version
This time on eIndonesia 24 Hour Day 99 edition :
1. Domestic News
"Anything in game stays in game, anything in RL still in RL"
See you in the next article, Don't forget to Vote Comment Subscribe Donate (VCSD)
Red_ Wing
Selamat Malam Warga eIndonesia
Kali ini di eIndonesia 24 Hours edisi Days 99:

1. Berita Dalam Negeri
- Dalam 24 jam terakhir pemberontakan dimulai di region Sabah. Untuk sekarang dipersilahkan panen medal TR dan TP namun pastikan Indonesia menang pada akhirnya.
2. Berita Luar Negeri
- NSKBpro Presiden Serbia periode ini kembali mencalonkan diri sebagai Presiden Serbia periode berikutnya, selengkapnya bisa dibaca disini tentang program kerjanya
- R I O Presiden New Zealand mengumumkan Tax refund untuk warga negara New Zealand maupun Warga negara asing selengkapnya bisa dibaca disini
- EraSmoWong warga negara Peru menyampaikan program ekonomi Federasi Amerika selengkapnya bisa dibaca disini
- OchiReci salah satu anggota Kongres Rumania mengumumkan bagaimana pandangannya dan alasannya terhadap Pemilihan Presiden yang akan dilaksanakan besok, selengkapnya baca disini
- Red Eagle Presiden Bosnia dan Herzegovina menyampaikan hal-hal apa saja yang dirasakannya menjadi Presiden selama 2 periode ini, selengkapnya baca disini
- EraSmoWong warga negara Peru menyampaikan perjanjian NAP dan hal-hal lain antara Federasi Amerika dan negara USA selengkapnya baca disini
ENG Version
Good Evening eIndonesian Citizens
This time on eIndonesia 24 Hour Day 99 edition :
1. Domestic News
- In the last 24 hours an uprising started in the Sabah region. For now, we are welcome to harvest TR and TP medals but make sure Indonesia wins in the end.
2. Foreign News
- NSKBpro President of Serbia for this period is running again as President of Serbia for the next period, you can read more details here about his work program
- R I O The President of New Zealand announced Tax refunds for New Zealand citizens and foreign citizens. The full details can be read here
- EraSmoWong, a Peruvian citizen, conveyed the full economic program of the American Federation, which can be read here
- OchiReci one of the members of the Romanian Congress announced his views and reasons for the Presidential Election which will be held tomorrow, read more here
- Red Eagle The President of Bosnia and Herzegovina conveyed what he felt about being President during these 2 terms, read more here
- EraSmoWong, a Peruvian citizen, conveyed the NAP agreement and other matters between the American Federation and the United States, read in full here
"Anything in game stays in game, anything in RL still in RL"
That's all for the Day 99 edition of eIndonesia 24 Hours, if there's something wrong, you can say it in the comments. If anyone is interested in being involved in this project, you can PM me directly. Support with Vote Comment Subscribe Donate (VCSD)
See you in the next article, Don't forget to Vote Comment Subscribe Donate (VCSD)
Stay Stupid, Don't be Smart (Tere Liye)
Red_ Wing
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