Thinking Out Loud

BattleHero - Periódico de Romania -

Publicado en Romania - Debates y Análisis político - 25 Jun 2024 09:36 - 23

The main reason for joining the Phoenix alliance was to help Serbia defend against aggression, which we did our best to help in their war against Brazil, with highlight battles like Montevideo / Montevideo 2 being the biggest in the game at that time.

Now that the war is finished and CF alliance is completely defeated, with Ireland wiped and other members signing NAP agreements, we see no point to continue in a format where it's everyone against one country, this is not something we want to be part of.

The decision to leave the alliance was not an easy one, we've reunited with old friends and even made new ones, but we see it as necessary step for both ourselves and community as a whole.

Congratulations Phoenix&company for winning the war, we wish the best to each and every nation we played alongside with, we will remember our friends that stood by us but also those who revealed themselves as being "unfriendly".

In urma votului exprimat ieri in Guvern, am decis sa parasim alianta Phoenix, mai jos va las un scurt rezumat cu cele intamplate:

Principalul motiv pentru care ne-am alaturat aliantei Phoenix a fost sa ajutam Serbia in razboiul impotriva Braziliei, ca exemple pentru contributia noastra avem cateva lupte epice precum Montevideo / Montevideo 2.

Acum ca razboiul s-a terminat si alianta CF este invinsa, Irlanda fiind stearsa si celelalte tari in proces de a semna NAP, nu vad rostul sa continuam in acest format unde toate tarile lupta impotriva Bulgariei.

*Avem un acord activ cu Bulgaria in care pastram prietenia si MPP-ul intre tarile noastre si nu luptam unii impotriva celorlalti, asa ca parasirea aliantei este un pas necesar pentru a nu fi acuzati de duplicitate.

Felicitari aliantei Phoenix pentru castigarea razboiului impotriva CF.


OverseerLesleyLesleyLesleyLordSun3Der KommissarSinaJagasSasuke Uchiha

Comentarios (23)

so when is Phoenix disbanding?
Thank you for your service, and for our overall accomplishements all together in the past week to finish what started almost a month ago. Germany and Phoenix will always be your friend as long as you chose so. Viva Romania!
Though unnecesary, since its customary, Safer approves this article.
Hail Romania, hail! o7
The real leaders of this game are those that lead not with words but by example! I can only bow down in front of Romania for doing exactly that o7
o7 Let the game begins again!
Farewell Romania good luck o/
Good luck o7
Good luck o7
Wish you guys the best o7
Good luck o7
See you soon!
Good luck Romania
Gl 🇷🇴