Publicado en Bulgaria - Entretenimiento y Ocio - 04 Apr 2024 05:27 - 13
Everyone have their reasons for playing games like this. Mine is the community, the people i meet along the way and the fun we have together. Regardless of them being friends, allies, adversaries, each one of you play an important part in making the game fun. Without strong allies, adversaries and balance, we couldn't feel the adrenaline rush in epic battles, knowing the fight could turn either way. I need to thank each one of you for the fun moments.
Building a community, organising with your friends to fight or create something together is priceless for me. As long as anyone feel like they could have an impact in the game, they have a reason to keep playing and strive to get better and better. That...changed for me.
I strongly believe there are more multis in this game than real people. When some guy with enough free time can create dozens of "clean" multis and activate them with scripts when needed to fight in OHs, the impact real players can have against that...vanishes. Powerless and hopeless, that's how a real player feels fighting against dozens of multis.
A guy with enough free time and scripts can kill entire communities, but that's not important, is it?
I'm done pointing fingers, i'm aware that multis are everywhere, including in my current country(USA), but some exceed any imaginable limit. I don't want multis banned in a certain country, i'd love to see all of them banned, regardless of country or side. The unresponsive administration team is what made me take this decision, it killed the last bit of hope i had for the game. As long as there is no ip/cookies conflict or exploitation(donations/transactions), anyone is free to create multis, because nothing else is considered proof against them.
50 accounts login in a row in a span of 20-30 minutes, every single day for months? sure, completely legit.
20 accounts (same str,same lvl, same everything) spawns at T1 with scripts and kill any battle? sure, completely legit, feel free to do it.
ps: if you ever thought i cheated to get 122 SB medals, feel free to browse through the entire list of my referals: https://imgur.com/a/FGqOrCZ
They've had 8 years to come up with solutions to make the game(s) better, soon to become 9.. i was a fool thinking anything would ever change.
I registered out of nostalgy, i left out of disappointment. The same feeling repeated in every game. Never again.
JanGoSatoruComentarios (13)

Agreed, nukes are a stupid part of this game

Great article and bigest problem of the game definitely!

is admin active?

Nukes should be locked in the last 60 seconds of the battle, same way as other games locked the heavy special weapons even as low as T-5. Yes they are gonna lose rush potential but instead of nerfing the damage, it can be a complimentary damage for the actual rush forces to brawl it out at the end.

This nukes were to be introduced into the game much later. The game was underprepared for its own launch. Unfortunately, for some of the gaps are already too late to be fixed...

+1 , this should be addressed ASAP

aveces pienso que la administración no le interesa para nada la jugabilidad, de que sirve tener a 10 personar super visas y los f2p se retiren contra quien pelearán que aran no tendria sentido el juego se aburrirán y se irán ambos tipos de jugadores

Sometimes I think that the administration is not interested at all in the gameplay, what's the point of having 10 people with super visas and the f2p will withdraw against who they will fight against that they won't make sense the game will get bored and both types of players will leave

Agree 100%.
I have used nukes to turn a few rounds in the last seconds. Ridiculous power imbalance.

Nukes are end game weapons and should not have been introduced from the start of the game but the administration wanted to sell packs and make money easy...
There was no thinking into the effect of them being used as there was no thinking into the effect of making all TG's available from the start also. These 2 should have been introduced gradually and for shoe not from Day1 !!!

Agree, but Game's HQ need money for develop to Game

if we consider that Admin has been playing this game for more than eight years, it's simply impossible to assume that he doesn't know how to balance. the imbalance is there because people will buy and spend money

Nukes should have entered the game a few months later