Sasha file din poveste

Ucuitoru - Periódico de Romania -

Publicado en Romania - Entretenimiento y Ocio - 01 Jun 2024 02:11 - 8

Sasha la taste, HAM! Sasha on keyboards, HAM!

Weekendul asta am fost cu tata si cu muntomanii lui, din nou la Borsa, la vila noastra preferata, Vila Bijou. Bucurie mare pe mine, iar pe munte!!! M-tii Rodnei - vf. Gargalau, cica antrenament pentru Retezat, care urmeza in 2 saptamani...pfssss. Gargalau e plimbare in parc, nu antrenament, tata!

Bucurie la plecare, super bucurie la sosire. A urmat o noua sesiune de six-pack si febra musculara de la prea mult ras la abdomene. Totul acompaniat de DJ Andrada. Doamne, ocroteste-o! 

This weekend I went with my father and his men, again to Borsa, to our favorite villa, Vila Bijou.Great joy for me, and for the mountain!!! M-tii Rodnei - vf. Gargalau, training for Retezat, which follows in 2 weeks...pfssss. Gargalau is a walk in the park, not training, dad! Joy at departure, super joy at arrival. A new session of six-pack and muscle fever from too much shaving of the abdomen followed. Everything accompanied by DJ Andrada. Lord, protect her!

Dis de dimineata i-am aratat, cu nasul, zgarda lui tata si i-am zis ca e timpul sa plecam, ce tat asta ni, cafele, mic dejunuri? Si surprizuc...cica eu nu pot sa vin din cauza piciorusului si raman cu surioara Iza cea Frumos Curgatoare la baza. Voi ati auzit o labradorita plangand cu suspine? Cum adica toti urca in masini si pleaca pe munte si eu trebuie sa raman? Tata, imi pun piciorusul dupa gat si tot vin cu voi! Am plans in pumni dar m-a dragalit Cristina si Iza mi-a facut ziua mai usoara, latrand in echipa dupa pisici si caini ce treceau prin fata vilei. Tata, te musc!!! 

Early in the morning I showed him, with my nose, father's collar and said it was time to leave, what father is this for us, coffee, breakfast? And the surprise... I can't come because of my leg and I stay with my sister Iza the Beautiful Flowing at the base. Have you heard a labradorite sobbing? How do you mean everyone gets in their cars and leaves for the mountain and I have to stay? Dad, I'm putting my foot behind my neck and I'm still coming with you! I cried in my fists but Cristina cuddled me and Iza made my day easier, barking in the team after the cats and dogs that passed by the villa. Dad, I'm biting you!!!

Si s-au intors si mi-au povestit! Urcarea o stiam. Rododendrum, limbi de zapada, creasta de munte, privelisti pe care pozele nu ti le pot reda, 27 sau 28 de autocare de turisti polonezi ajunsi exact atunci pe varf? E razboi in Polonia, refugiati, de unde blanita mea sfanta atatia polonezi pe metru patrat pe un varf din m-tii Rodnei? S-a stat la coada sa putem face si noi o poza pe varf. Ma rog, sunt cu tata in gand.

And they came back and told me! I knew the climb. Rhododendrum, tongues of snow, mountain ridge, views that pictures can't show you, 27 or 28 buses of Polish tourists arriving at the top right then? There is a war in Poland, refugees, where, my holy fur, did so many Poles per square meter come from on a peak in the Rodnei mountains? He stood in line so we could take a picture on the top.

Au salutat respectuos in nemteste si au coborat. Ca sa nu coboare cu cei 471 de polonezi, s-a ales sa se coboare pe un traseu tehnic si nemarcat. Per total a fost un super castig. S-a facut toata creasta muntelui. Pentru prima data. Sigur va fi un remake.

They greeted respectfully in German Smile and got off. In order not to descend with the 471 Poles, he chose to descend on a technical and unmarked route. All in all, it was a great win. The whole ridge of the mountain was done. For the first time. There will definitely be a remake.

Pe aceasta cale, vreau sa ii multumesc lui Cristina ca ai avut grija de mine si nu mi-ai dat dulcucenii cand am cerut. Oricum, ti-am promis ca nu zic nimic. Secretele noastre sunt sfante!

In this way, I want to thank Cristina for taking care of me and not giving me sweets when I asked. Anyway, I promised you I wouldn't say anything. Our secrets are sacred!

What happens in Borsa, remains in Borsa! 16

Pana weekendul urmator, va pup scurt pe botic! Until next weekend, kiss you on the nose!
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Comentarios (8)

😍 La cât mai multe excursii!
Multumim! Smile
Caii aceia i-am mai văzut undeva Smile
Daca ai fost deasupra Cascadei Cailor, da! In postarile mele ai vazut doar magarusi Smile
Cum zici, nu te pot contrazice Smile)
@isator am vazut si eu caii aia. Sunt Caii de la Letea dar au foste exportati in Borsa, Brasov. chiar si in Predeal. Am vazut eu in Predeal vreo cativa dar erau verzi si pe pereti Smile